Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Week 14 Predictions and Results

Topics of conversation for week 14:

1. Playoff picture
2. Playoff picture
3. Playoff picture



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deepdownwithin said...

yay 200th comment was mine. we should have prizes for milestone comments. blograkshaks what do you say?????

Madew said...

Deep Down,
Cricket not cricket with out travelling in my personal opinion. It brings a different dimension all to gether to the game. Playin in new condition and ground is always exciting I think. Div-III is precisely formed for that reason so as to eliminate travel, if remember correctly. Peoria did ask fo permission last year to start Div-II team but didn't get permission due to overwhelming resentment towards travel at the AGM. I think it might be a good idea to have zones picked and move teams based on travel the previous year.It wil singnificantly reduce the reduce travel woes. I think if gas costs come do I don't no one complaints. At same time if travel team makes playoffs seeded higher Chicago team should come down to play on their home fields. what do bloggers think of this idea?

Madhu Reddy

Shekhs said...

I disagree with you on the travel thing and I think we should've more teams outside of chicago...and I totally agree with Madew on zonal perspective..

We should group teams with respect to zones and allow them to compete within the zone and then come upto chicago or make the chicago team travel based on results and points table..

Say we have 2 teams from STL in Div 2, one team in SPI and one in Peoria - JR and one in Champaign.

If we keep all these teams in one zone and have the Div 2 league games between each of these teams and occasional travel game to balance it out would suffice as a great idea..
Once the regular league games are done, then we evaluate the seeding based on wins and point table...

The top few teams from each zone should compete in the quarterfinals..
And the travelling for this will be based on seeding as well..
If SPI has a higher seeding than a chicago DIV 2 team, then the Chicago team along with the umpire should travel to SPI or even Peoria for the quarterfinal...maybe we can even use the Peoria Div 1 player as the umpire..

This will avoid the travel issue and will also allow more teams from the outside to compete..

My $0.02

deepdownwithin said...

madhu, you did not get div-2 team bcos you supported jaggi and not tariq. how can they refuse you and allow arena???? that does not make sense. your suggestion should be discussed in detail. it means reorganizing everything we have. we should look at it. i agree that travel is good but not so much. a balance is needed.

deepdownwithin said...

sheki sheki... i see some good points, let me read your suggestions again and digest it. all i am saying is that a new team shows up and we say yes without caring how much travelling is needed. there should be some cutoffs, some analysis, some quality checks and then accept. there was one team in div-2 that most players did not know how to hold bat, imagine how frustrating it can be. thats why do quality check before accepting teams.

Shekhs said...

It will be extremely hard to discriminate teams based on their talent or quality. Matter of fact, I believe its unfair, if they are paying the same amount of money as we do...

At the same token, we can keep those teams within their zones and make them compete with each other.
Obviously, those teams are not going to make playoffs, when it comes to being the top few teams in the zone.
Thats one way to keep up the standard, at least in the playoffs..we wont have any sub par teams competing in playoffs..

And of course, we can't categorize talent or skill for a team just coz one or 2 in a team is not very skilled..

remember, we all pay to play...not professionals.. :-)

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