Friday, April 30, 2010

Sound the Trumpets, Let the MWCC 2010 Season begin

We are just few hours before the MWCC 2010 Season starts. Though the weather prediction was not encouraging earlier, now the rain gods seem to have adjusted the rain schedule so that all the scheduled games can go ahead.

This weekend has some great games lined up across all the 3 divisions. I wish all the teams the very best for their season.

The league president Shekhs Aravind is going to be present at the Community Park ground tomorrow morning. He will be tossing the coin for the season opening game in the 30-30 division between NightHowlers and Panthers and mark the beginning of the 2010 season.

Lets Play !!!!

Note: The Chicago Park district does not allow to put the Portable Restrooms at Washington Park before the Memorial Day. But the main bathrooms at the south east side near the Washington Park Ground# 3 are open from 8 AM in the morning. Please use them when required.

Monday, April 26, 2010

New Rules to be incorporated this season

The following rules will be in effect across the league this season -

  • Tie Games (2 points each)
  • Final Ranking - NRR (Will be decided on basis of head-head and other criteria)
  • Free Hits
These rules will be explained in detail in the Rules section on the website in few days. Please make sure that your team members are aware about these rule amendments as well as understand them.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Midwest Cricket Conference - Season Opener

The Season Opener is cancelled due to the weather conditions this weekend. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Friday, April 09, 2010

Practice games - April 10-11


Find below the schedule for practice games this weekend.

4/10 - Community Park - Phoenix - Afternoon
4/11 - Community Park - Challengers/Deepark Vs Eagles - Morning
4/11 - Community Park - Bears Vs Rogers Park - Afternoon

Wish you all the best for the games. Also pass on the feedback about the grounds after your matches, so that we can take the necessary steps to fix them before the start of the season.

I will be publishing the schedule for next weekend by coming Tuesday.


Monday, April 05, 2010

MWCC believes in CHANGE

The elections for the Management of the Midwest Cricket Conference was held on Saturday April 3, 2010 at Community Park. 41 out of the 42 eligible teams to vote showed up as did a number of other interested members of the league. There was a spirited debate and question-answer session for an hour. After that, 41 teams exercised their right to vote.

The league voted 22-19 in favor of Shekhs Aravind and TEAM CHANGE. Congratulations to Shekhs and his team on a historic victory. There is a new era in the MWCC after 12 years, one which has promised a lot of change. I wish him and his team all the best and hope that they are successful in taking the MWCC to new heights.

In this time of change, we should not forget the invaluable contribution made by the previous management headed by Tariq Ahmad and Sohail Alvi. They have done a commendable job in transforming the league into one of the biggest in the USA. They have put in countless hours in running this league for so many years along with a number of individuals such as Marghoob Qazilbash, Humayun Baquai, Humayun Mirza, Krishna Meluvettil, Sridher Jagath, and many others. We thank them for their efforts and hope that they will continue to support this league and the new management.

In case you missed it, a recap of the election is available via the following link thanks to the efforts of Adnan Baig and United Cricket Club:

MWCC 2010 Election Coverage

Thursday, April 01, 2010

Midwest Cricket Conference - Elections 2010

The Midwest Cricket Conference elections for 2010 will be held on April 3, 2010 at Community Park. Everyone should go attend to make sure your team votes. This is an important event for the MWCC and everyone's voice must be heard.

I sent an email request (albeit a little belatedly) to the current management team headed by the MWCC President Tariq Ahmad and to TEAM CHANGE headed by Shekhs Aravind who are challenging them in this election, requesting them to state their position in 100 words or less. Keep in mind, due to the word limitation they were not able to provide too many details, but you can always ask them directly for further information.

Here are their responses:


I was sent an email by the current management specifically requesting that I don't put up anything on this site regarding them.


Hi, my name is Shekhs Aravind and I am running for the post of President of the Midwest Cricket Conference as part of TEAM CHANGE:

- Mo Iftikar – Vice President
- Hemanth Shah – Treasurer
- Alpesh Gohil – General Secretary
- Mahmood Chaudhary – Business Officer
- Gaurav Patel – Business Officer

I am standing up in this election because I believe in CHANGE. Change for the better – where you get better services through better management. You will learn how I plan to do this through the emails I have already sent and throughout the debate.

Now it’s your turn - Do you believe?