Cupid said... This blog is now turning out to be a place to take swipes at management. If you want to take a swipe at management, please do start some new blogs and go about it. -------------------------------
Mr Cupid, or Shall I say Stupid from your post?
Why dont you read all the blog archives from last two years and then come back and say the same thing? From the way you talk about blocking ids and banning people, you sound like Michael Savage (Aditya you forgot about him in your Right Wing 101 display).
Perhaps now you will propose to delete all the archives so nobody can refer to the holy preaching current management used to do here :).
I'm sorry to hear about your experience in Chicago. This is one of the things that needs to be fixed - so no-one has to travel needlessly just to find out about a rain-out.
Hard luck about the Muslim Gym game. They're a pretty good team - but so are you guys. Looks like Imran is on a roll!! Keep your chins up, I'm sure you guys will get some better results in the coming weeks - as I hope we do too! :)
People have a right to talk about anything as long as it doesn't get out of hand - ie: abusive. If we get into censorship, then where does it stop? It's a slippery slope, so I'd prefer to avoid it and hope that everyone can maintain a certain minimum decency.
Billoger....relax dude....u sound like master of all but in reality u r jack of stop giving ur worthless advise and take a walk down the hilll..
These folks have no decency. They have nothing left in them but to make mockery out of every little thing that MWCC can present to them.
Attacking folks such as Sheks, Alpesh, Sunil, yourself and others are uncalled for. Even during the previous regime, there has never been a personal attack on MWCC until now.
Talk about the stuff that matters, it is helpful and more constructive. Provide ideas, suggestions and so on that can better this league.
These folks really seem like a bunch of sadists who never have been able to make anything good happen till today in MWCC and never will let good things happen ever in MWCC (be it current management or past management).
What have they done in MWCC until today to better this league? Probably nothing but being a critique of every MWCC management.
These folks seem to have never held responsible positions in life and hence being a critique seems to be a passion for them.
It is a shame to observe such behavior in a beautiful country and an awesome league.
C8W, atleast now we know the selection criteria. EFFORT !!!
Are you telling us that Hansraj and Nasir are in for their efforts.
Good job Nasir ! You are in for your effort to help out one of (out of 100's) Sadiq Baba's love. You were in the team from last few years - Was it Tariq or your talent brought you in? If it was your talent then don't worry you're out - because Nelish is much better bowler than you :) how that sound, that tells you who you up against. We will start new ball with 5 steps bowler.
Milwaukee and Phenoix what's up with you guys? You were top teams in this league ! Need more heart from you guys.
MG good come back. You guys are playing good cricket. Keep it going. Mo you will be busy with VP's responsibilities and MG captainship.
Thanks for your appreciation. I just meant to use your comment as a reference earlier today.
Anyways, we are expecting the missing stars to show up tomorrow for the trials. I will be there with my camera to help out with other chores also.
And regarding the selection committee, I would say that it comprises of 5 members. And we have highly respected cricketers like Mehul, Ajit, Doc and Madhu along with our respected umpire Sadiq. So we should still have the best team.
Well, the downpour was really heavy on Friday evening and nothing can be done so late to fix it. Apparently, even W. Park #4 had some water-logged areas, but both the teams decided to play.
The reshuffling is only considered for W. Park #3 games.
The new ground should be available some time in July.
Aditya, you deleting my comment about mr sunil's threat to the blog or league, is justified but you should have also warn and delete sunil's comment. Someone had to put his footdown for crazy ppl like him.
Anytime anybody try to threaten league like this we r all gonna be together and behind you guys (gan due baba don't get any ideas I didn't mean what u think).
Sunil has a history of threatening to sue ppl, u can check with last 5 team he was associated with and fought with them to end up getting kicked out cause of his unreasonable attitude.
Now back to enjoying the blog and cricket. I wanna personally thank sunil to never ever coming back here and spoil the party.
Hats off to all the thick skin bloggers:).
Aditya is right we r on the edge which makes it really exciting. Guys easy on Aditya he is feeling the heat already. I know like palin anytime Aditya say anything it gives all of us a reason to laugh and pull his both legs but guys we can have one egg each day, don't try to cut the chicken.
@PBS - Now that Sunil is gone filthy pigs can have a field day - right!! Your courage after he has left is outstanding...keep it up.
So u will be together when the league is sued, hillarious, where were u when this league was sued, mopping WP field, may b using ur chaddi!!
Amazing that Sunil has threatened to sue 5 teams and that he was kicked out; that is one point that sounds real and believable!!
However can u make all the 5 captains come on this blog and support what u say? That will be simply awesome, especially if all the captains identify themselves, their teams and the reasons, what do u say? remember I said all the captains
If you prove the above u r a true Point Blank Shooter, else can this blog treat you as a Point Blank Stupid or Perfect pile of BS!!
Cupid/Whatznext If you are so decent then you should not join this blog. This is only for non-decent people including 40 theives. These theives annoyed the hell out for many years but you must be preparing your speeches that are delivered today. I think you need to use your speeches somewhere where you can benefit the most.
cupid said Attacking folks such as Sheks, Alpesh, Sunil, yourself and others are uncalled for. Even during the previous regime, there has never been a personal attack on MWCC until now.
Let me just remind you my dear friend that these theives accused the previous management stealing money and they even took them to the court to make a mockery of themselves. You probably did not see this as a personal attack or may be you were the part of all this nonsense.
Alpesh Well, the downpour was really heavy on Friday evening and nothing can be done so late to fix it. Apparently, even W. Park #4 had some water-logged areas, but both the teams decided to play.
I would not like to hear that nothing can be done or lame excuses about the grounds or anything. None of us believed whatever the reasons prior mgt gave us. Grounds need to be fixed as you try to bring this cricket on a different level. You need to work hard and bring you cabinet to make the grounds in playable condition. Palin is free you can use her time in this regard.
I think we need to choose top 11 thieves and make a Thieves11. Then these 11 thieves can play a game in Hanover Park, with 5 inches of grass, without lights and with the world's best Graddige Balls :)).
Of course the opposing team will be Aditya 11. And the umpire will be Sadiq Baba so he can control the thieves and their chaddies.
@SITUP: How long will you keep telling this story that they did so we are doing? It sounds like a kindergardners excuse.
What did you do to counter those allegations and prove that they were wrong? If u were right, u cud hv fought the election better and won it right? Where did u loose the plot, do some checks to find?
Crying in this blog will not bring you back 2 power, work hard and keep your hope. Keep a dairy of all the events and mistakes or unkept promises, keep track of how you helped them including specific dates and messages/inputs in different places, compile it and use it during your election campaign - people will respect you and take you seriously.
Elections are won by clever strategy not by crying foul.
Go back to your drawing board and reboot your thinking....on how you can boot this or any management - this approach works. Think whatnext dude :)
If you cannot do this then just relax and follow the instructions in your name.
"""""""" Crying in this blog will not bring you back 2 power, work hard and keep your hope. Keep a dairy of all the events and mistakes or unkept promises, keep track of how you helped them including specific dates and messages/inputs in different places, compile it and use it during your election campaign - people will respect you and take you seriously.
Elections are won by clever strategy not by crying foul.
Go back to your drawing board and reboot your thinking....on how you can boot this or any management - this approach works. Think whatnext dude :) """"" ------------------------
Are you all thieves STUPID or DUMB????? You hide behind ANON id and ask others to reveal ID?
You lost elections when Adnan Ran and lost again when Jaggi ran, and all 4 years you were crying on blog, cricinfo and everywhere you could? Did you forget that???
We just questioned simple things like why are the grounds being moved, balls are crap, night tournament starts without lights...? And you go back to elections and Tariq.
My dear, get over the elections and Tariq Phobia and start answering questions. What are you gona say at AGM when people will question you? Are you gona keep answering all questions by saying Tariq Lost Elections, so please dont question what crap we give to this league.
Come one Whatznext, you are so dumb that I feel like sending you back to Alaska where you can see Russia.
@Billoger: Use all your effort to pull the bill logged in the wrong part of your body. Maybe that will kickstart your brain.
U cannot understand simple statements and start calling others dumb,JASS.
Who is this TA dumbo, he is history for now atleast OK. U kindergardner now u cry, I asked simple things chocolate, change of diaper and suckers, ok ok, i will get u all this, take the thumb out of ur mouth, that is a bad habit.
My input was to try and help you overcome ur emossion :(, get out of the lap and dont call pappa.
Fight like a king, or let the bill remain where it is logged. OK Kido!!
@WN: How long will you keep telling this story that they did so we are doing? It sounds like a kindergardners excuse.
What did you do to counter those allegations and prove that they were wrong? If u were right, u cud hv fought the election better and won it right? Where did u loose the plot, do some checks to find?
As long as they are there. They are responsible for their accountability. It may be excuse for you but not for us.
They did not defend their allegations but the court did by saying dismiss.
Elections were not based on the performance but all the 40 theives strengthen themselves regardless their issues among each other for the time being.
You may have not born when this crying was going out over the years. You just got in your senses now.
@Billoger: Is there any one thing in your life that you can achieve on your own. ha ha ha ha!! JASS
Giving up so soon, now u are looking for partners, make no mistake, u can take me to alaska or leave me here is chicago, rest assured you and ur partners will be rigged and any available oil pumped out to drainage, not like BP into ocean ha ha ha...
Fight like a king or let the bill remain where it is logged, OK Kido. Think Whatnext dude?
Whatznext said... @Billoger: Use all your effort to pull the bill logged in the wrong part of your body. Maybe that will kickstart your brain.
I think you are about to lose you patience but make sure do not cross the decency because you are the champion of decency. I know you are trying to help us but make sure you do not get trapped in it.
@SITUP-you asked for it, can you tell me which word or line is indecent in the statement I quoted? Don't trust ur mind, it may mislead u, build the power of +ve thinking.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder so is the interpretation of statements, i do not know how u interpreted mine, can u point out the "indecency" please? If you cannot then follow the instructions in your name and think Whatnext dude?
Why is everyone so quiet? You guys just wanted votes and now you ran away cuz you have no answers in just less than 90 days!! Thats IT!!! You cannot even answer your deeds for first 3 months, how you are gona answer for 2 years.
Wake up Chaddi Leaders and Thieves.....all you can produce as an answer is WHATZNEXT who sounds like Dave Chappell's illegal hormone.
@SITUP-you asked for it, can you tell me which word or line is indecent in the statement I quoted? Don't trust ur mind, it may mislead u, build the power of +ve thinking
you are so afraid now I did not say that you passed the indecency. I told that make sure you do not cross the line since you are getting so pumped up. Think before you write or consult with master. sonia ji sonia ji - ab kiya likhon
@Billoger: Yeah billo...what happened again the problem with Bill, has it logged again clogging ur thinking process..
I am me, and i will be me, i dont need ur effort to help me with names which u google and find. Google leading personalities and u may find some more names. Illegal hormone, where did u get that term - ha ha ha, is that what the doc's told u after ur lab test? :( :(
Fight battle like a man or graze like a cattle at HP or WP, better still think Whatznext dude?
It is high time that league seriously consider the rule to restrict the number of terms a guy can be elected for a president and also his residency. These checks are required to keep the league united and progressive.
I am amazed to see the demand for changes in such a short time this year but no body seemed to bother all these years when a single person leading remotely.
Atleast, this management have the guts to recognise this blog as an important part of our league by having a link. Previous management was coward enough by removing the link from the site.
Be wise to use this blog in a constructive way to develop the league.
WhatzNext....your mind is stuck somewhere in the gutter...or may be your hormones are stuck somewhere. Please ask ADY to help you to clean your vas deferens.
Like i said, you need to go back to Alaska. Your IQ seem as thin as the grass at HP which your management forgets to cut on time.
How come your chaddi leader wont step up to answer question?
Next Step, please call your chaddi leader and wake him/her up.
I'm shutting down comments for this blog until everyone can control themselves a little bit. This has gone out of control. Check back in sometime when everyone has take a chill pill and then start your discussions again, but with a modicum of decency.
Guys, for statistical purposes, can somebody come up with the following data:
a. What was the impact of the condition of the ball on a game? b. How many results were changed due to the condition of the ball? c. Did the umpires allow change of balls - if so how many such instances were recorded? d. Did the captains of the teams raise this as a recorded issue in their match report? e. Will playing with this ball for the next few games change your teams performance or points, please provide specifics.
I think this data will provide enough food for thought to manage how to deal with this situation in a short-term till a solution is found, else let us together explore whatnext dude?
WhatzNext... There will not be any impact on anything if management begins to ask us to play with Tennis Balls.
Boundaries were already shortened, so why not change the balls to Tennis. Both teams can play with same Wilson Balls and hence it's fair? We can save TONS of money, and bring DJ at every game.
Whatsnext.....hope that you will say something that makes sense.
Mitul said... Seems like everyone is back to the real/bill paying job ;)
no mitual it is about to say good on this blog otherwise they will shut down again. You just can not criticize and ask the relative questions to the leaders.
Hi Billy: U r back this time with an input as silly as it can get. If asking inputs to arrive at a solution is wrong, i dont know how to make sense of anything to you.
Please remember one thing which may come handy to you "wise men say, because they have something to say, fools say because they have to say something".
Kindly dont look for something that what you lack in yourself, you will never find it.
Your statement about tennis ball, DJ and shortened boundary is reflection of your low level thinking, immature thought process and your compelling need to write something for the sake of writing, Relax, think well, think sense and write Whatznext Dude?
Whatznext said... Guys, for statistical purposes, can somebody come up with the following data:
Why don't you take this as your project since the suggestions came from you? Can you please call all the teams to find out the progress of these balls and shared with us the outcome. It will be much appreciated from management point of you. That will be what next for you?
Your statement about tennis ball, DJ and shortened boundary is reflection of your low level thinking, immature thought process and your compelling need to write something for the sake of writing, Relax, think well, think sense and write Whatznext Dude? ------------------------- LOL...u finally said something funny.
Now I have only one thing to say to u do you know how to play cricket? (not the cricket with Tennis Balls, DJs and without lights)
Whatsnext.....STILL hope that you will say something that makes sense :))
@SITUP: I am not sure if they are lying or if they dont have a solution / funding? Whatever it is, I believe that, being a nagging issue, it should be resolved - period.
If it means spending few extra bucks so be it. May be allocate some emergency funding, or negotiate better terms with vendor, giving them some advertisement in our league for their products, something needs to be done to ensure better cricketing experience.
What the league needs is not words of comfort in this blog, but real action and its result. The sooner the better for everybody who has paid to be part of this system. As a paid member/customer we are right in questioning the quality of experience, the management is duty bound to provide their views with a clear action plan.
They should come up with concrete steps than keep wonderinng Whatznext dude?
Hi Billy: Now you know y i call u billy the silly....when u run out of answers you repeat the same set of lines, thanks to cut & paste technology.
I may or may not match up to your level in cricket, but i can say it with a stamp of authority, very few can match your skill of senselessness....meow meow...u billy Think buddy, whatznext dude?
@SITUP: I am not sure if they are lying or if they dont have a solution / funding? Whatever it is, I believe that, being a nagging issue, it should be resolved - period.
Your attitude is different today. Did you forget to take the medicine on the other day. This is what we are looking for answers for some of the questions that we posted but none of them answered right. It looks like that you are from one of them that is why you are getting so upset.
@SITUP: I am not able to recall if Aditya changed his statement or offered clarification to this statement. There is a sea of difference between changing and clarifying.
Fortunately we are dealing with professionals and not politicians. I am sure Aditya is a professional.
So let us try and get some action initiated to resolve the issue with ball rather than seeking his reaction to the statement. How is his statement going to change the quality of ball? So let us drop that and look at how to resolve.
Ask the captains to write about the ball in every report, apply pressure and seek solution the right way
I guess so much from management about: "transparency, democracy, providing answers, standing up for their actions and picking up financial statements every month"...
Does anyone know if there is a copy of the video Mr President giving his speech before elections...where all the big claims were made? I think Mr Adnan was broadcasting it so i guess the copy should be somewhere?
Whatznext said... @SITUP: I am not able to recall if Aditya changed his statement or offered clarification to this statement. There is a sea of difference between changing and clarifying.
You're correct. Unfortunately, not everyone gets that.
In my opinion, the ball does last 40 overs, which is a good thing. But it barely swings - which is a bad thing. While the ball isn't as bad as in 2006 or 2007 (where the ball didn't last 30 overs), it's definitely a downgrade from 2009.
Also - I'm not a bowler! ;-)
My bowling is about as good as some of the blogging we've seen recently. :):)
Completely agreed. What's up with the weather? The storms the last few days have been out of control!!
Chargers do have a back-to-back - though not as tough as they had earlier in the season vs Pak and then Challs!! It's a tough schedule, but they requested it. Hope we get cricket on both days of this weekend.
Aditya I thought couple days ago you told that the balls swings after 30 overs and now you are saying it does not swing? There are lot of contradicitions in your statements evertime you write. All you are doing is justifying for nothing. These craps balls were never be delivered in last 15 years. If you are not a bowler then do not say things that makes no sense. By the way, your batting as good as your bowling.
How about the viewpoint of rescheduling games last year and now? How come you have no opinion on changing the games on the same day now?
Aditya: Chargers play against Phoenix & United this week. How come Phoenix captain himself say the weekend is not as tough as Pak & Chall?. I guess a few Phoenix folks read this bog. Hopefully they are not cursing their captain for not showing confidence. :) You never know what’s going on with United. Learnt it was a close game against Peoria last time. Anyways all the best to Phoenix/you. You guys definitely need four points this weekend, may not be as badly as United.
Whatznext said... @SITUP: I am not able to recall if Aditya changed his statement or offered clarification to this statement. There is a sea of difference between changing and clarifying.
I am not judging his statement or the balls will not change after his statement. if he does not know anyhting about it then he should keep his mounth shut rather covincing the teams that this is as good as last year. He is changing his statements about balls evertime he writes. This is managment duty to send a survey to all the teams about the balls or share with the league. Many people on this blog admitted that the balls are crap.
As far clarifying from him we asked him about the rescheduling games last year. He opposed the most on rescheduling games last year but unfortunately he did not see any rescheduled or moved the venue of the games on the same day without sending a notice to the teams. Atleast, no game was moved on the same day without sending the communication to the league.
My friend this is their strategy now all is well and please everyone. There is no consistency in rules and discipline now.
If you are not a cheif advisor then I would suggest that you should apply for that position. You may have better plans for Midwest.
Couple of things - firstly, Rashid from Pak swung it after 30 overs only, not every bowler. I made that statement specifically after that game. Secondly, I wasn't sure which ball they used - I asked Raheel to confirm, but he didn't. I said that the ball used that game was pretty good - may not have been the Grade A ones - I don't know. I do know that since the first game, the balls have barely swung, and all those were Grade-A balls. I haven't changed my comments - go back and read them if you're not clear.
As for the schedule, the only games being rescheduled are the ones for WP3 due to the poor drainage on that ground. I supported the WP3 reschedules last year too. What I didn't support are the last minute reschedules on other grounds to suit certain teams. If you know of any that have have happened this year, let me know - I don't see any of those "special" reschedules. Compare apples to apples - not apples to oranges.
I am not judging his statement or the balls will not change after his statement. if he does not know anyhting about it then he should keep his mounth shut rather covincing the teams that this is as good as last year. He is changing his statements about balls evertime he writes. This is managment duty to send a survey to all the teams about the balls or share with the league. Many people on this blog admitted that the balls are crap.
And yet, you are "judging" it. Maybe you didn't understand what "judging" means.
I'm not sure how keeping my mouth shut would help - I can still type whatever I want - much the same as you do!! :)
I don't believe I was convincing any teams about what to think. If anything, you tried to do that. I just gave my opinion, which for some reason hurt your feelings. Haven't seen anyone as upset about it as you and CLARIFYING (not changing) doesn't seem to calm your ego. But then, I suspect nothing will, so I really couldn't bother too much about it.
If you want management responses, send them an email at "" and ask them questions. But keep in mind, they may not respond to anonymous troublemakers - but they will respond to any concerned members of the MwCC community. Your real name may be required to differentiate between those two categories.
The MwCC has never been run or managed through this blog by either management, and I don't think that's going to change anytime soon. Here, you will only get "smart-ass" responses - especially if you go the anonymous route. But then, that's why you're anonymous, right?
In the words of the wise philosopher, "what's next dude"?
As far clarifying from him we asked him about the rescheduling games last year. He opposed the most on rescheduling games last year but unfortunately he did not see any rescheduled or moved the venue of the games on the same day without sending a notice to the teams. Atleast, no game was moved on the same day without sending the communication to the league.
I could try and respond to this, but I don't understand what this means. Can someone else decode this and explain? I don't think anyone from any management could understand what you mean. Please try again.
Friend, Philosopher, Guide whatever that i am to this blog, I am glad we are now thinking progressively. Everytime somebody says Whatznext dude, we are looking forward to something new, something different, something unique - so let's keep up this momentum and progress positively.
The power of positive thinking is such that it takes the shape we desire it to be as, much like liquid taking shape of the container it is in. So think Positive, think whatznext dude?
So stop not friends, lets all move forward together and when each other of us get stuck, let us not hesitate to motivate the other by asking whatznext dude in fact we can ask this ourselves - right? The results will be amazing, you will be happy you did.
Why is "Challengers" such a strong and winning team? Lets not give a single line answer that the team has very good players. There must be more reasons. Lets get into details.
Aditya As for the schedule, the only games being rescheduled are the ones for WP3 due to the poor drainage on that ground. I supported the WP3 reschedules last year too. What I didn't support are the last minute reschedules on other grounds to suit certain teams. If you know of any that have have happened this year, let me know - I don't see any of those "special" reschedules. Compare apples to apples - not apples to oranges.
Regarding the balls, I do not want to argue with you anymore since you do not comprehend the issue. It seems like that everyone is happy with the balls apart from the comments we received from different team members on the blog.
As far as schedule concern, you are again wrong my friends that you supported any reschuling last year. You never did. Also to your knowledge that there were some games changed this year not because of wp3 drainage issue but to suit certain teams. Let me give you two examples.
Example#1 - Illinois vs Hammonds was not scheduled on WP3 on 05/02/2010. It was in hammond as scheduled on the site got moved on the same day to Washington Park but teams filled the scorecard as played in Hammond. Inconsistent.
Example# 2 Arena vs Jaguars not scheduled on WP3 on 5/22/2010. It was in St. louis got moved on the same day to Collinsville but teams filled the scorecad as played in Hazelwood. Inconsistent.
Let me repeat your earlier statement my friend "What I didn't support are the last minute reschedules on other grounds to suit certain teams".
These two games contradicts your statement. The only differecne is that when you made this statement you were in opposition but now "All is well". You will not question to the management because you think that this is not your problem.
When you stood on something then stick with it honestly. Do not try to justify wrong things to public.
Go and get some apples and oranges to sort them out. If you need help find a kid to ask him to sort it for you.
The problem with you is you think everything is a conspiracy. I completely agree with you that the ICC vs Hammond game should not have been moved. Check the website - it was never rescheduled. The game was moved by both the teams on the day - not by the scheduling committee or management. This was a mistake, and Shekhs has already addressed it. If you have a concern, send him an email and he will explain it more.
As far as Arena vs Jaguars is concerned, I didn't know that. We never rescheduled the game, so it was obviously done by both teams. I'm not sure if Shekhs and team were aware of this. But if you do hear about things like this, send an email and it will be investigated. This is the first I've heard about it.
There is a difference between teams doing it themselves and the kind of rescheduling that was done where: 1. the MG vs SL game was moved from Chicago to St Louis 2. the Flames vs Phoenix game was rescheduled as back-to-back for no fault of Phoenix 3. the Falmes second back-to-back that weekend started at 11 while MG still thought it started at 10
There is a huge difference between teams taking this into their own hands vs management making exceptions for certain teams.
Those 2 games don't contradict my earlier statements - I still don't support it and I didn't know about it until after for Eg1 and just now for Eg2.
If anybody care about last year scheduled games in Washington Park Ground #3, management knows that ground is not playable first 3 weeks atleast but decided to consider them as rainedout games. But later on they adjusted the games for other teams to play in other grounds. Which is unfair for teams that lost out playing.
For example, look at last year's schedule for the week of 7/11/2009 Illinois vs Giants which is originally scheduled in ground #3. If you look at the score card it lists as played in ground #1.
There is no point in beating the bushes and cry as if it is new this year. I am not for or against any management but there are glaring inconsistencies before and after.
Can the management always consider notifying every team when they change against the original schedule. Atleast that is called transperancy and give a case to other teams that they are not losing out in playing a game fairly.
Ok. We give a benefit to both managements for WP3. However, I am looking for answers for those two games happened this year not on WP3 as stated in Example 1 and Example 2. Any thoughts on them.
SIT_UP: you can't selectively give benefit because some teams lost out playing a game even though weather was good. Where as other teams played in the later weeks knowing that is not possible in ground #3.
As a team that cares more about playing a game than points that concerns us.
One more thing i have noticed is that quality of balls normally suck during the year elections happen. They improve remarkably the year when elections are due.
Can someone explain if this is coincidental or not?
Aditya Management has tendency to say sorry and moved away from that. It is a great way of ignoring. Anyway if this is their strategy then good luck of Midwest.
SIT_UP: How much effort did you put to better the league before? If you did can you demonstrate how did you communicate to before to express ur concerns.
Atleast you should be happy that someone from the current management is reading ur concerns and may be working to address them. I can't tell the same about years before.
fellas, About the games being moved around, the 2 games in question, I'm responsible for those. 1. Hammond Vs. ICC - that was my mistake, I let that happen. The game shouldnt have been rescheduled at all. No games will be rescheduled like that anymore.
2. Jaguars Vs. Arena - The Hazelwood ground was unavailable that day and since we had a team travelling, we didnt want to call that a rainout, so moved that to collinsville.
tatabybycyu, The giants Vs. Jags game was moved to WP#1 to provide ground # 2 for Eagles Vs. CCI, since they were scheduled to play on WP#3.
On sundays, we have to vacate WP#1 by 1:30, as UCC has a game at 2. Since the game started on WP#1 at 10:00, they could only afford to play 25 overs. Lemme know if you have further questions.
Guest_rule said... One more thing i have noticed is that quality of balls normally suck during the year elections happen. They improve remarkably the year when elections are due.
Can someone explain if this is coincidental or not?
That's an awesome observation. I'd be interested in knowing that too. :)
Aditya Management has tendency to say sorry and moved away from that. It is a great way of ignoring. Anyway if this is their strategy then good luck of Midwest.
Really? I never saw an apology in the last few years?
Everyone makes mistakes - the question is whether they are repeated or not. If they are, then there is a problem. If not, you appreciate the change, say "what's next dude", and move on.
I have put the same effort as chief advisor. I am glad that I have not hunted the position that I have no clue. I made my point here that the NMgt is running the league with no strategy and not making the league towards the change they sold to the teams.
As Shekhs explained with his nature "my mistake" We have heard this many times. Folks his statements are different on the phone and different in public. Do you have Hazelwood number so I can confirm with the park if actually this is true?
Going Back to CA balls they were pretty decent quality to play 40 overs. 2007, we got one batch which was bad and we were told the supplier didnt "dry' them. 2008, the management decided to try new vendors and 1box each of SG and Grays was given to teams to try out.
Based on feedback from teams, league order Grays for rest of 2008 and the 2009 season.
I dont see any relation to the election year.
May be someone else can correct me get facts here.
Friends, each one of us are in this league to play the game. If a particular ground is not fit, then I think we should leave it to the two captains and the umpire to decide if they wish to change the venue. This is fine provided there is no other scheduled game impact or there is no monetary impact. Claiming that letting that game happened changed the points table is unfair, the game had to happen either way.
These are operational issues and not management (old or new) malfunction. Unless somebody has a twitter account or blog or online access to our site, nobody can change what is on our website.
As long as the schedules are not selectively manipulated, I think we should allow for the flexibility to move the venue if available.
We all have paid to play 14 games, it is critical that the game get underway one way or the other. I am sure you have made many compromises at the personal end to make it to the game, then why not play it. It becomes more important when it is a travelling team.
So friends, instead of fighting it out, let have a consensus on this and simply say, this is fine, whatznext dude?
Thanks for getting back. Seems like a valid reason. I am confident that this was not done becasue of any bias :)
now see.. what happened last weekend the.. the WP2 game got washedout. However, the game in WP1 was played !! That too with reduced # of overs, not because of weather but because the ground not available. Which looks somewhat shady.
What I wanted to highlight was moving games is one thing but altering the format is another :) Like the one with Jags and Giants -reducing the # of overs, starting the game early etc. I dont think we vested you with the power to do this :) Let the rest of the league know in advance and then all this should be fine, at least I hope others would agree:) My suggestion is be careful when you do these good faith moves.. for they may cause unintended issues :)
Tatabybycu: Let us once and for all say Tata, bye, bye and CU for all such issues, it is painstaking that some trivival issues are getting highlighted.
Even at international level games we see that a 50 over game is truncated to 15 overs so that we get some play underway, I am not sure y this should be an issue at MWCC level. If the two captains and the umpire agree to this and that it is done to ensure that play happens, we should be fine.
i dont see it as a change of format, but a change in the number of overs due to playing condition.
I agree somewhat with you whatznext.. some flexibility should be there.. and its good to have it.. as long there is a valid reason and it is between the teams it is fine. but when the mgmnt steps in it has to be careful not to irk someone else. I made my advice, suggestion hope its taken in a +ve way and now its tata to this issue..
btw, what does the CER team composition look like? any news? eager to hear who is going to be representing us !!
Thanks, really appreciate your being in sync. Way 2 go, ur question on CER team is a sign that you are moving in the right direction and thinking whatznext dude?
There are certain things you really need not let the entire league know. At least, trivial stuff like this. Do you really want us to let you know every time we reschedule a game or move it around based on some issue?
With respect to reducing the number of overs, we do it to accomodate a game. It wasn't a call made by the management, as the management doesnt have the right to make that call. The umpire has the right to make that call, and he did. We just told them that the minimum amount of overs for a div 1 or div 2 game are 25. No Div 1 or Div 2 game can be played for less than 25 overs.
"Shekhs said... tatabybycyu, The giants Vs. Jags game was moved to WP#1 to provide ground # 2 for Eagles Vs. CCI, since they were scheduled to play on WP#3." Damn! we got punished at #2 too... :)
Shekhs: Why does the management give directionn with regard to the minimum number of overs? What if the umpire decides 15-20 overs can be played?
The whole idea is to get the game underway and that is why many leave home to hit the turf.
I dont think that Div 1 or Div 2 will loose its sheen just because the no. of overs is reduced, instead it may throw some interesting result - which is what cricket is all about.
Everybody> ek din ke liye can we just talk about some games please. Phir monday se we can get back to normal. Looks like there are some interesting games coming up. Hope Alpesh found his Tendulkar. We have a bye so we are not really worried about the weather. Hopefully it doesnt rain anywhere but just my backyard. Goodluck everybody. Score some runs, get some wickets, take some great catches and all my wicketkeeping brethren do some outstanding stumpings.
ice_cold said:Going Back to CA balls they were pretty decent quality to play 40 overs. 2007, we got one batch which was bad and we were told the supplier didnt "dry' them. 2008, the management decided to try new vendors and 1box each of SG and Grays was given to teams to try out
In 2007 balls are not totally bad and may be except for one batch. If that is the case, widsom says there is no need to change the balls but press with the vendor to take care of next time. Instead someone decided to experiment and bought cheap balls which are worse.
Even 2009 we were instructed to dry the balls since vendor doesn't have time to do so. Which we did and they were good.
Lesson from this is either someone mint money alternate years or we all should be little patient in judging the people to whom we rest responsibility with.
I prefer the second one and lets hope we all contribute in +ve way rather than opposing just because you feel so.
Preetam: I agree, let us keep Friday as a NON-VIOLENT BLOG DAY, oops I propogate peace and used the wrong term, my bad; let us call Friday's THINK-PLAY Day, here two captains from the opposing teams can energize this blog by throwing in their strategies or by seeking inputs from other teams who have played on what worked and what did not, that will be a departure from the past and will make people think whatznext dude?
Shekhsy > Thats what I plan to do. Thoda picture wicture and some dinner winner... Whatznext > good Idea. I think everybody needs to show some pyaar vyaar. After all this blog is active only for 3 months usmein we if keep arguing then the fun part is being reduced. Moaz masthi karo yaar. Kya fighting vighting. :)
Unofficial news - Chaminda Vaas, Arjun Yadav, Nasir Jamsheed, Imran Nazir, Hemang Badani may play in the night tournament for one of the teams ... God saves the other teams in that group .. :-)
Hey Guest_Rule, rather than exploring his exploits, try to learn whatever little from Arjun or any of ur league companions.
I dont know how u make such comments without giving a thought, Arjun if the son of the famous indian off spinner Shivlal Yadav and has had some good knock at Ranji level playing for Hyderabad. I just checked it in Cricinfo. Thanks for making me check that, with ur comment my boy. Boss, I am sure Indian Ranji is of some standard; unless of course you bat like Tendulkar and bowl like McGrath/Harbhajan. If so you should have been in the US or CER team, if u r neither here nor there then just cork up and appreciate thinking whatznext dude?
I am from Hyd and i know about A.Yadav. It's gr8 to see first-class talent coming and playing in the league
If u read my comment on lighter vein u can sense the humour. I like watch players who believe in their skill than getting help from father to stay in the team.
Good that u r frm Hyderabad, so now u will say Azhar can teach us to run down opposition by fixing the game?
So u will also argue that his father helped him to score the 4 hundreds and 18 50's. Have u played with him, were u in the selection committe, do u hv proof to ur claim that his father helped him, can u present it to this blog. Else everybody will condemn your claim like that of another sensational false claim by some cheap tabloids.
So kindly follow the guest rule and think whatznext dude?
Whatznext seems to have menstrual mood this afternoon. Chill out. Not everything we talk have to be black and white otherwise you can't understand the leak under your pants.
Hey Guest Rule: We talk about cricket and its pad here, not the one you wear when u hv the problem u hv stated. Now everybody knows ur problem, live with it.
U badly need to learn to respect both men and women. I sympathize u and everybody close to u who by now will be sick of this male chauvenist, gender biased attitude of yours.
I sure will rest in peace if you can take care of yourself change ur stuff, avoid making this blog filthy and think positively whatznext dude?
Whatznext: Please don't brand me male chauvenist...i love ladies and especially you lady if that helps your ego..
I expressed my dislike about A.Yadav and i have right and if you don't like that comment move on. Don't show ur moods here nobody cares old ladies bad moods.
Oops..u dont like being branded Male Chauvenist right, no lady likes being called so, my bad missy, now dont crib and prove how cheaper u can get.
U hv the right to comment on anybody agreed, but when u make allegations, back it with evidence else it is cheap gossip.
Go read ur statements many times and u will be convinced that the best place for ur snobbish comments is the trash can where u store everyother thing clinging close to u.
Looks like nobody wants to talk about games this weekend, the CER team or the arrival of International Stars in PHX. I think that will be Sunil's revenge on all teams :)
Thanks ICE for bringing cricket back to discussion, i wanted to have Friday as THINK-PLAY day. I was looking at the Abid Laheri tournament and find that we have some good 30/30 teams challenging the 1st division teams - Desi Tigers v/s Chargers, Chicago Hawks v/s Eagles, it cant get better. It will be good to see if these guys can put a good fight. Any takers?
The international stars in PHX? Phoenix? They are playing for the ICML team in the night tournament, not for us. We don't have the resources to "import" such talents. :(
To keep your attention, I think the 2 games with the biggest impact will be Flames vs Challs and RPCC vs Arena. Hopefully rain doesn't play spoil-sport.
And I'm curious too when the CER team will be announced. Our Chief Selector C8W hasn't posted anything as yet - but it has to be done soon. The CER is next weekend, right??
Alpesh, is it unofficially true that PHX is unleashing international stars u mentioned earlier, from ice_cold's statement looks like he has some update.
The blog will benefit if it can be shared, atheleast it will be a treat to watch them play.
It is not Phoenix. ICML team is trying to rope in the stars. Once things are confirmed, we will officially publish the information so that we can have a big crowd. The ICML matches by the way are in mid-july ..
@ICE_COLD: Believe me, I have absolutely no revenge against the league or any of its valuable members - I would appreciate if u trust me when i say this.
All I wanted was that this blog should not become a platform for mud-slinging and personal remarks, which unfortunately few were resorting too. The shutting down of the blog proved that few people were indeed exceeding lines of deceny and personal remarks. That was a steely decision and i stand with it. Again I have nothing to do with the present or past management while i support this.
I am glad that the blog now is a different place, though, i do not want to be seen or heard much blogging here; though I may come in once in a while.
I once again wish the best to each one of the teams and leagues because the legacy of cricket, cricketers and blogging has to continue.
Wishing all teams happy & victorious weekend with better weather.
Borrowing our friends advise, I relax out here thinking what's next dude!!
After promising CCI last week that a repeat of "traveling to the ground only to find it unplayable", won't happen. you let the same thing happen just a week later. Not just one, but all the games in washington park were rained out. With puddles of water around, couldn't you have inspected the ground before hand and canceled, rescheduled, or moved the games to different venues and informed the traveling teams of the same? Moreover, it wasn't overnight rain that spoiled the ground - rain throughout the week ensured that.
" Guest_rule said... BTW he can teach us how to use the stump to run down opposition if we don't know yet.:)- " Ha Ha Ha...Guest_rule i know exactly what you are saying. BTW it was not Arjun it was Rajesh. And i am really happy that the guys affected during that incident are both doing fine at the national level. And it was not really the opposite team.
--------- bleh said... Not just one, but all the games in washington park were rained out. With puddles of water around, couldn't you have inspected the ground before hand and canceled, rescheduled, or moved the games to different venues and informed the traveling teams of the same? Moreover, it wasn't overnight rain that spoiled the ground - rain throughout the week ensured that. --------
Actually, it *was* overnight rain that caused the rainouts.
Moe was at the ground on Friday, after the Thursday tornados/storms e - and found Arena/RP ground bad enough that it would be unplayable. Thus that game was called off. But the other 2 grounds on Friday looked like they could be playable, especially with further sun Friday afternoon etc.
There was late overnight rain, however. I know I was woken up at 4am by rolling thunder (on the northside)... but nobody could really know if it was raining southside at the same time unless they lived there, obviously. It did, and very heavily, making the grounds unplayable. There isnt much you can do about that, IMHO - if it rains Friday night or on the day of the game, you pretty much know the state of the ground only on the morning of the game.
As for reschedules.. those have never happened for overnight or day-of-game rain (last years reschedules for Ground3 were basically because it would rain on Tuesday, by Saturday Ground2 and Ground4 would be perfect for cricket, but Ground3 would be unplayable.. thus making a rainout there unfair). If there is overnight rain and all 3 grounds are unplayable, then all those games are IMHO washouts - always have been, and pretty much always should be.
As for moving games to different grounds.. Adi from Scheduling Committee can talk about it :-) But I dont think we have grounds to be able to do those things - dont think there were any grounds available for play on Saturday in the Chicagoland area that were going unused anyway.
----- Preetam N said... " Guest_rule said... BTW he can teach us how to use the stump to run down opposition if we don't know yet.:)- " Ha Ha Ha...Guest_rule i know exactly what you are saying. BTW it was not Arjun it was Rajesh. And i am really happy that the guys affected during that incident are both doing fine at the national level. And it was not really the opposite team. ------
Hmm. I think maybe we're talking different incidents, Preetam?
I recall one where it *was* Arjun, not Rajesh. And the player in the incident hasnt played international cricket (IPL doesnt count as international cricket still, thank god :-) And it *was* the opposite team... as far as Andhra counts as an opposite team for Hyderabad ;-)
No official confirmation on the website in terms of ICML players yet...I bet quite a lot of the good players will just be players from around the USA too. Probably they will play in CER for ICML too.. 2 years ago 3 New Yorkers played for ICML; last year their opening bowling of Akhil (from NY) and Usman Shuja (US team, from TX) reduced MCC to 125/9 in the finals before our last pair saved us (and then Shahid and Mehul won the game with their opening spells)... this year sadly neither Shahid nor Mehul are available for CER (nor are the two last-wicket-partnership heroes, Kamran and Laxmi).. I might be one of the few people hoping ICML doesnt bring *that* good players from around the US to play Night Cricket (or CER) I guess :-)
C8W: I am surprised by your "hope" that an opponent team does not bring good player - this is frankly shameful, considering the amount of talent we have in MWCC.
What if the other teams have better players than that the ones you have named (Akil or Usma) in the blog above or whoever?
Are we setting the ground to accept defeat and prepare excuses even before the first ball is bowled in the CER? That too after such a big show of probables, selection and trials - this I am sure hurts the pride of every MWCCian.
It amuses me that you don't want them in the night tournament too, this is outright cowardice. Instead of learning from the experience you want to surrender to the situation...ha ha ha
Instead of doing that select well, prepare well, play well and think whatznext dude?
-------- Whatznext said... It amuses me that you don't want them in the night tournament too, this is outright cowardice. Instead of learning from the experience you want to surrender to the situation...ha ha ha Instead of doing that select well, prepare well, play well and think whatznext dude? -----------
To be clear, I have no problem with them playing in the Night Tournament - in fact Id like to come and watch. But Id rather not see them play the CER, personally :-) Doesnt mean anyone will surrender - our players are fighters and will compete with anyone. But as a supporter from outside, Iam allowed to hope for not overly strong opposition, surely? (Especially if its guys from outside our region in a regional tournament :-)
As for selecting well...we'll do the best that we can. And the players will always do their best, obviously.
---------- Whatznext said... Rains play havoc, many teams spirits weakened over the damp weekend! Scores "all out for no loss". Personally for many of us "no outs just all loss". ------
Fairly painful it was, too. Another 2 washouts at WP today - it hadnt rained since yesterday, but it started pouring a couple miles after I hit the highway on the way to WP this morning. Came down very hard, too... and also came down very hard again at about 10:30am.
Hopefully WP will get a lot of sunshine the next couple of weeks - we're off July4th weekend anyway. The ground seems a bit saturated with the amount its rained in the last couple of weeks, hopefully it will get a little break from the weather the next couple weeks so it can recover a little..
Were there any games completed this weekend at all? I heard they were actually getting 30/30 games in at Evanston, which is pretty remarkable given the amount of rain on the northside on Friday night..
C8W: The selectors, management, officials and players prepare for games with a positive attitude and confidence. Even remotely thinking (in any capacity) that I wish the "opponents are not overly strong" is surely cowardice.
U did not answer my question, what if some of the other opponents (not ICML) have players who are better that Akhil and/or Usma, whoever they are.
What stopped you from selecting players who will match up to the standards.
Your statement will bring down the morale and confidence of the entire team "you all have very carefully selected" and such statements reflect severe lack of confidence in the team, to say the least.
Please do not kill the confidence of the team typing such statements with your blessed "finger of death"
You are chairman of selectors and you discuss like this in a common forum certainly demoralises the whole MWCC.
You should know better than this.
Also, when the official team is not yet published, is it fair to discuss in public forum who is available and not available..
Won't it give information to Other Teams..
Mr. Finger of Death, Please.... MWCC XI can beat anyteam in any day.. We are the one of the largest league in the country.. Please don't talk rubbish like this..
If you have a personal opinion and want to write about this..Please do that when you don't hold an office in MWCC. Nobody is going to be bothered about it.
As a person holding an important position in the MWCC you should know what to talk in public and what not to...
Shekhs.. Can you please take some actions on this.. We all certainly feel let down by our own chairman of selecton.
whatznext -- bottom line is - this guy (c8w) have no clue about cricket. he shouldn't talk about cricket - give him newspaper and let him read in the bathroom! that's what he is good at.
Very disgusting that attitude he has shown on this blog. grow up c8w -
shekhs - he needs to be sacked right away - what a loser he is. please send c8w to ICML. He seems to be really impressed with them.
c8w - do you know what Bakhsi did with Usman Shuja in one of our leauge game. What kind of accomplishment ICML has in last two CERs, got beaten comprehensively by MWCC team. Not with attitude you're showing. I'm pretty confident MWCC team will do great but we've to get rid of loser like you. You don't deserve to be part of this team.
We're the winner and we will win this year CER too but it will be our team, not your attitude!
I watched Usman bowl against Pak Gym as we had our match against United in th enext ground on the same day... He did seem very pacy, faster than any bowler in our league...But Pak Gym did well against him so that does show our league has pretty decent level as compared to other leagues. Infact if you look at the figures of that game, Moin and Nasir of Flames have better bowling figures than Usman. So bottomline is, we have some solid talent in this league and I am sure sadiq and other selectors will come up with a competitive team this year as well.
Moaz said... I think if you are filing an official complaint to the admin, you gotta do it with your real name and identity...Just my opinion!
I doubt if they will heed to anonymous complaints on the blog. ---------------------------------- Moaz,
Here the chairman of selectors went on the blog, discussed about the team composition and demoralises the whole team talking trash
And, if you say the management will wait for an official complaint to take action for this.. All I can think of that was there is no real leadership and no spine in this management..
But, I don't think and so and I have lot of faith in Shekhs and he will take leadership and take some action on this guy..
Wait and see.. The whole league waiting to see what action the management takes...
Dont forget, the management was supposed to announce the CER Team many days in advance (SOMETHING PROMISED TO BE DIFF FROM LAST YEAR) but we are only few days away from Tournament and the team is still not announced.
All the promises about trials, making better team, better process, democracy have fallen apart. Perhaps it will be
"Too many crooks spoil the broth"
Let's see if the management will take any action THIS TIME or will Mr President say " Sorry, this wont happen again" and move on.
@Billoger: Buddy, the management has already placed a pre-cursor by accepting defeat in the CER Tournament (while the reality is if the right set of players are selected v will b the best - have no doubts).
The best guess we all can make on a lighter vien is:
a. They used this blog to prepare us to be ready for defeat. b. They are unable to announce the team because they are still not simply able to finalize, they are still looking for a corner in a circle. c. Few of the players who they wanted desperately to play for them, may have said to them "Thanks but no thanks, whatznext" d. Few simply maybe not be interested to be part of this melodramatic comedy
ha ha ha...these guys may win battles but never the war.
" FingerOfDeath said... ----- Preetam N said... " Guest_rule said... BTW he can teach us how to use the stump to run down opposition if we don't know yet.:)- " Ha Ha Ha...Guest_rule i know exactly what you are saying. BTW it was not Arjun it was Rajesh. And i am really happy that the guys affected during that incident are both doing fine at the national level. And it was not really the opposite team. ------
Hmm. I think maybe we're talking different incidents, Preetam?
I recall one where it *was* Arjun, not Rajesh. And the player in the incident hasnt played international cricket (IPL doesnt count as international cricket still, thank god :-) And it *was* the opposite team... as far as Andhra counts as an opposite team for Hyderabad ;-) " C8W, I think you keep forgetting that i am from Hyderabad. And as far as HCA is concerned i am an inside man. And obviously any inside man will have more and juicy information. So please...
Also i said at the 'national' level because i considered IPL a national tournament.
Preetam: C8W sir is in a trip, may be the Soccer Worldcup elimination by top teams is impacting him, so he has prepared a post defeat speech which he has read out.
On the matter regarding Arjun, i assume the incident we are referring to is the dispute between Rayadu and Arjun during the prize distribution. Arjun was upset by Rayadu's comments after winning the game. I wud love 2 be informed the right incident.
Ganesh from Trailblazers I believe u never played any kind of cricket.......Honestly surprised to see Alpesh (MWCC G.S) was part of Ganesh's antics....
Trailblazer started fielding with 11 players in ground. In 22 nd over some 12th person comes and joins fielder.
Now when Trailbazer started batting, same 12 the man comes for batting at 1 down and Ganesh fighting for it.........And OUR ALPESH silent on it.
Issue is.......
1.Can anyplayer be replaced from starting line up in 22 nd over.
2.If answer is yes then what over this player should come to play in..
3.Can batsman instruct leg umpire not to give out openly........
4. What stand our GS should have taken( favoring his team or impartial decesion)
Ganesh one more time I wish I would have been in ground........
Agam I will for sure tell you the rulings now. Guys it is my fault and I promise that it will not happen again. Anyway, you need to submit your report to the disciplinary committee to file it properly. They do not take any actions from the blog except praise their team work.
Billoger Sure the league is going back to the dark ages now where PM started. They need to step up and do the actual work to show their commitment.
Whatznext It seems like you were supporting very much to this mgt and now all of the sudden you are bashing on their beloved worker c&w. May be they need sometime to get their thoughts together.
I think c&w is in panic mode since the best players Asif, Shahid, Raheel, sohail, Asher etc have not participated in the trial. He must be wondering that who should I put in CER team who can beat ICML? That would be interesting.
I believe that Umpire is a supreme authority in a match. The captain (Ganesh) did not tell me that we are fielding a 12th man, he told this to the umpire. I only saw very late during our fielding that the player was replaced. I believe Ganesh informed the umpire of this.
Then later when the guy came to bat during TrialBlazers batting, I was the scorer. And Bunty (Advancers Captain) opposed the batsman coming in to bat and the batsman was called back. At that Ganesh called Shekhs and Rules committee and asked for clarification. And I believe that the rules section on our website does not have any time limitation on the player coming to play, once he is in the playing 11 given to the umpire. The Umpire talked to Shekhs and he was satisfied with the clarification.
I agree that the rule is controversial, but the rule has been like this for years. I remember that when we-then NoStars were playing against MDS at W. Park# 2 in 2006 in a Div 2 match, I was in the playing 11. But due to work committments, I reached on the ground when 15 overs were done in the first innings (MDS batting innings). At that time, the opposition captain/player (Syed Khadry - former MDS and Advancers) talked to the umpire Ehsan-Ur-Rahman if I remember correctly, and I was only allowed to bowl only after 30 overs, as I had to field on the ground for the # of overs I missed. In the lunch break, Our captain was asking me to pad up to go at 1-down. To this, I myself asked him to check with umpire, as I had seen in International matches, such a player who has missed most of the fielding innings can only bat after 5 wickets have fallen. The Umpire said that in MCC, you can bat at any position and to which the opposition also agreed.
Agam Sir, coming back to this match, there were certain things that both the captains and the umpire agreed to and I only came to know about that later. Those things I have never seen in a proper cricket match. None of the captains or Umpire came to me asking for the permission on any of those things. As I said earlier, I believe that Umpire is the supreme authority in a match and he took care of the things as per the rules.
It there are still questions, please feel free to call me in the evening and I will be happy to talk to you.
FingerOfDeath said Moe was at the ground on Friday, after the Thursday tornados/storms e - and found Arena/RP ground bad enough that it would be unplayable.
Was meow meow just there to see the ground or made himself useful to fix the grounds as well? He should have brought with him the sum-pump to drain water so that fields can be ready for weekend games. I suppose from now on we blame everything on mother-nature or TA. Guys you need to do more than just showing up on the ground to see and make decisions.
Were the players names given to the umpire in writing from both teams before start of the game like we used to get a green card last year. If not, you can blame TA on that too.
And before I forget, both the teams TrailBlazers and Advancers put in a great effort to get the ground ready by working on it for about 2 hours along with the VP-Moe. Kudos to all of them for this effort, else both the 30-30 games would have got rained out on Saturday.
Hey guys I am not blasting anyone.I am was little frustrated.Alpesh I am not against you or anyone....
I m playing in league for good years even I flew from Virginia n drove from Detroit every week to play in MWCC.........ppl who played with me they know......Advancers never fought with anyone an time.....but this time little frustrated with kind of rules followed in last match.
Can we do same kind of thing in Ranji Trophy, Deleep Trophy,Sheeshmahal Cricket, Buchi Babu Trophy......
Moreover u guys know we fixed ground and even u guys helped and corporative but way Ganesh was behaving it was not at all expected .....he lost all respect......
Can you guys please explain how this team was picked and what rationale was used? Also can you guys vouch that all 14 attended atleast 1 trial? I think I know atleast 2 who didn't attend a single trtial and still got selected?
When you explain please also explain this..I see ravi patel is the leading wicket taker in div 1. Why was he not picked? He is an allrounder and he has more runs than some batsman u have picked.he is young and maybe that worked against him.
If selectors aim was to just pick a team based on reputation and not performance or form, TA's method of selection was better. It atleast would have saved people time.
Milwaukee guys didn't show up for single trials. Raheel is injured, if I'm not wrong he didn't come for trials either. Two guys from Peoria !!!! No one from Jolly Rovers :) Madhu, what's going on?
Shekhs, c8w, Mehul -- come on and explain this? why players got selected who didn't show up for trials. Players who showed up been dropped.
Dinesh from Rovers here.. I have to admit that I am a little disappointed by the selection committee's team. I am not disappointed that I didnt make it as I knew I only had an outside chance, but I was surprised about Ravis exclusion. And really surprised that he didnt even make it to the reserves squad even.
First, he is a match winner. When he scored 85(42) against Muslim Gymkhana, the game was over in the 14th over. Against Milwaulkee yesterday he took 4 wickets which bundled them out for 132. He is also the top wicket taker in Div 1 with 17 wickets in 6 games. I thought we need to pick match winners who can singlehandedly change the game for us.
He is 26 and he is an US national. He is an amazing fielder too. Why cant we pick such guys in the mid 20s and give them a chance to improve so that they can go on and maybe someday represent US??
Balajee, I dont know Ravi patel but just looking at scorecard so far this season he has scored in only one inning against Muslim and that too was after I believe a lot of catches were dropped.
Has he performed against any good bowling sides without many dropped catches?
I do some issues with selection, but I wont have included in even in the Midwest B team. Sorry Pal, he should prove himself against good teams before getting selected.
I would like to take my hat off ^^for Ravi Patel, but not yet :)
how asif got selected without showing up in trials. what about Raheel. Najmi score heavily, look at stats Sadiq Baba. You're a stat guy. Biggest chucket of the league is our vice captain.
Dinesh suits for 50 over games. Ravi is not there yet. Sohail Alvi is much better choice than Faisal Baig.
@SITIP & Billoger: Friends, nobody has hacked my account, atleast that is what i believe :)
How cares who leads the mgmt. TA or SA. V pay V play :)
However, when we see some weak knee reactions, then ofcourse you react.
At the same time, when they do good, give them their due credit. I am sure they are all smart enough to know that "a kick on the ass is not far from the pat on the back"
I follow my conscious and say what i say when i feel, most of the time I hopefully get it right.
You missed the point Gan_due. I said Ravi is the leading wicket taker. dint say he shud be in as a batsman. i also said he has more runs than the batsman selected :Romesh". combining his bowling and batting, ravi shud be in as an all rounder...
I think the team list went out today in hurry to avoid embrassment and to save c8w from all attacking..
Divert the attention.. Shekhs.. The Chairman of Selectors let down MWCC in his comments and we are still waiting to hear your views on the same...
Can somebody explain what is not available for selection.. Did they informed they are not available or they had been put up and not available because they didn't turn up to the Trials.
Any Justification why Sohail Alvi is not included in the Team.. Obviously he is a better choice than faisal and could have helped the team with his experience also....
Cupid said...
This blog is now turning out to be a place to take swipes at management.
If you want to take a swipe at management, please do start some new blogs and go about it.
Mr Cupid, or Shall I say Stupid from your post?
Why dont you read all the blog archives from last two years and then come back and say the same thing? From the way you talk about blocking ids and banning people, you sound like Michael Savage (Aditya you forgot about him in your Right Wing 101 display).
Perhaps now you will propose to delete all the archives so nobody can refer to the holy preaching current management used to do here :).
I'm sorry to hear about your experience in Chicago. This is one of the things that needs to be fixed - so no-one has to travel needlessly just to find out about a rain-out.
Hard luck about the Muslim Gym game. They're a pretty good team - but so are you guys. Looks like Imran is on a roll!! Keep your chins up, I'm sure you guys will get some better results in the coming weeks - as I hope we do too! :)
People have a right to talk about anything as long as it doesn't get out of hand - ie: abusive. If we get into censorship, then where does it stop? It's a slippery slope, so I'd prefer to avoid it and hope that everyone can maintain a certain minimum decency.
Billoger....relax dude....u sound like master of all but in reality u r jack of stop giving ur worthless advise and take a walk down the hilll..
Adi: Do you even believe some of these pinheads even understand what is decency?
These folks have no decency.
They have nothing left in them but to make mockery out of every little thing that MWCC can present to them.
Attacking folks such as Sheks, Alpesh, Sunil, yourself and others are uncalled for.
Even during the previous regime, there has never been a personal attack on MWCC until now.
Talk about the stuff that matters, it is helpful and more constructive. Provide ideas, suggestions and so on that can better this league.
These folks really seem like a bunch of sadists who never have been able to make anything good happen till today in MWCC and never will let good things happen ever in MWCC (be it current management or past management).
What have they done in MWCC until today to better this league? Probably nothing but being a critique of every MWCC management.
These folks seem to have never held responsible positions in life and hence being a critique seems to be a passion for them.
It is a shame to observe such behavior in a beautiful country and an awesome league.
Cupid: I fully agree with what you say. They only have one job to sit and say anything but sense...
I just saw that Sunil said goodbye to the blog. Others will follow soon, sick of these fools.
atleast now we know the selection criteria. EFFORT !!!
Are you telling us that Hansraj and Nasir are in for their efforts.
Good job Nasir ! You are in for your effort to help out one of (out of 100's) Sadiq Baba's love. You were in the team from last few years - Was it Tariq or your talent brought you in? If it was your talent then don't worry you're out - because Nelish is much better bowler than you :) how that sound, that tells you who you up against. We will start new ball with 5 steps bowler.
Milwaukee and Phenoix what's up with you guys? You were top teams in this league ! Need more heart from you guys.
MG good come back. You guys are playing good cricket. Keep it going. Mo you will be busy with VP's responsibilities and MG captainship.
Any predictoins for next week?
Blogger Sir,
Thanks for your appreciation. I just meant to use your comment as a reference earlier today.
Anyways, we are expecting the missing stars to show up tomorrow for the trials. I will be there with my camera to help out with other chores also.
And regarding the selection committee, I would say that it comprises of 5 members. And we have highly respected cricketers like Mehul, Ajit, Doc and Madhu along with our respected umpire Sadiq. So we should still have the best team.
Billoger Sir,
Well, the downpour was really heavy on Friday evening and nothing can be done so late to fix it. Apparently, even W. Park #4 had some water-logged areas, but both the teams decided to play.
The reshuffling is only considered for W. Park #3 games.
The new ground should be available some time in July.
Aditya, you deleting my comment about mr sunil's threat to the blog or league, is justified but you should have also warn and delete sunil's comment. Someone had to put his footdown for crazy ppl like him.
Anytime anybody try to threaten league like this we r all gonna be together and behind you guys (gan due baba don't get any ideas I didn't mean what u think).
Sunil has a history of threatening to sue ppl, u can check with last 5 team he was associated with and fought with them to end up getting kicked out cause of his unreasonable attitude.
Now back to enjoying the blog and cricket.
I wanna personally thank sunil to never ever coming back here and spoil the party.
Hats off to all the thick skin bloggers:).
Aditya is right we r on the edge which makes it really exciting. Guys easy on Aditya he is feeling the heat
already. I know like palin anytime Aditya say anything it gives all of us a reason to laugh and pull his both legs but guys we can have one egg each day, don't try to cut the chicken.
@PBS - Now that Sunil is gone filthy pigs can have a field day - right!! Your courage after he has left is outstanding...keep it up.
So u will be together when the league is sued, hillarious, where were u when this league was sued, mopping WP field, may b using ur chaddi!!
Amazing that Sunil has threatened to sue 5 teams and that he was kicked out; that is one point that sounds real and believable!!
However can u make all the 5 captains come on this blog and support what u say? That will be simply awesome, especially if all the captains identify themselves, their teams and the reasons, what do u say? remember I said all the captains
If you prove the above u r a true Point Blank Shooter, else can this blog treat you as a Point Blank Stupid or Perfect pile of BS!!
The ball is in ur side, game on dude!!
If you are so decent then you should not join this blog. This is only for non-decent people including 40 theives. These theives annoyed the hell out for many years but you must be preparing your speeches that are delivered today. I think you need to use your speeches somewhere where you can benefit the most.
cupid said
Attacking folks such as Sheks, Alpesh, Sunil, yourself and others are uncalled for.
Even during the previous regime, there has never been a personal attack on MWCC until now.
Let me just remind you my dear friend that these theives accused the previous management stealing money and they even took them to the court to make a mockery of themselves. You probably did not see this as a personal attack or may be you were the part of all this nonsense.
Well, the downpour was really heavy on Friday evening and nothing can be done so late to fix it. Apparently, even W. Park #4 had some water-logged areas, but both the teams decided to play.
I would not like to hear that nothing can be done or lame excuses about the grounds or anything. None of us believed whatever the reasons prior mgt gave us. Grounds need to be fixed as you try to bring this cricket on a different level. You need to work hard and bring you cabinet to make the grounds in playable condition. Palin is free you can use her time in this regard.
I think we need to choose top 11 thieves and make a Thieves11. Then these 11 thieves can play a game in Hanover Park, with 5 inches of grass, without lights and with the world's best Graddige Balls :)).
Of course the opposing team will be Aditya 11. And the umpire will be Sadiq Baba so he can control the thieves and their chaddies.
Can we have answers for our two questions posted yesterday? They are the real questions apart from the joke.
@SITUP: How long will you keep telling this story that they did so we are doing? It sounds like a kindergardners excuse.
What did you do to counter those allegations and prove that they were wrong? If u were right, u cud hv fought the election better and won it right? Where did u loose the plot, do some checks to find?
Crying in this blog will not bring you back 2 power, work hard and keep your hope. Keep a dairy of all the events and mistakes or unkept promises, keep track of how you helped them including specific dates and messages/inputs in different places, compile it and use it during your election campaign - people will respect you and take you seriously.
Elections are won by clever strategy not by crying foul.
Go back to your drawing board and reboot your thinking....on how you can boot this or any management - this approach works. Think whatnext dude :)
If you cannot do this then just relax and follow the instructions in your name.
Crying in this blog will not bring you back 2 power, work hard and keep your hope. Keep a dairy of all the events and mistakes or unkept promises, keep track of how you helped them including specific dates and messages/inputs in different places, compile it and use it during your election campaign - people will respect you and take you seriously.
Elections are won by clever strategy not by crying foul.
Go back to your drawing board and reboot your thinking....on how you can boot this or any management - this approach works. Think whatnext dude :) """""
Are you all thieves STUPID or DUMB????? You hide behind ANON id and ask others to reveal ID?
You lost elections when Adnan Ran and lost again when Jaggi ran, and all 4 years you were crying on blog, cricinfo and everywhere you could? Did you forget that???
We just questioned simple things like why are the grounds being moved, balls are crap, night tournament starts without lights...? And you go back to elections and Tariq.
My dear, get over the elections and Tariq Phobia and start answering questions. What are you gona say at AGM when people will question you? Are you gona keep answering all questions by saying Tariq Lost Elections, so please dont question what crap we give to this league.
Come one Whatznext, you are so dumb that I feel like sending you back to Alaska where you can see Russia.
@Billoger: Use all your effort to pull the bill logged in the wrong part of your body. Maybe that will kickstart your brain.
U cannot understand simple statements and start calling others dumb,JASS.
Who is this TA dumbo, he is history for now atleast OK. U kindergardner now u cry, I asked simple things chocolate, change of diaper and suckers, ok ok, i will get u all this, take the thumb out of ur mouth, that is a bad habit.
My input was to try and help you overcome ur emossion :(, get out of the lap and dont call pappa.
Fight like a king, or let the bill remain where it is logged. OK Kido!!
Will the Gand_Due_Baba please take Ady and WhatNext to Alaska on his personal Gand_Due jumbo jet?
@WN: How long will you keep telling this story that they did so we are doing? It sounds like a kindergardners excuse.
What did you do to counter those allegations and prove that they were wrong? If u were right, u cud hv fought the election better and won it right? Where did u loose the plot, do some checks to find?
As long as they are there. They are responsible for their accountability. It may be excuse for you but not for us.
They did not defend their allegations but the court did by saying dismiss.
Elections were not based on the performance but all the 40 theives strengthen themselves regardless their issues among each other for the time being.
You may have not born when this crying was going out over the years. You just got in your senses now.
@Billoger: Is there any one thing in your life that you can achieve on your own. ha ha ha ha!! JASS
Giving up so soon, now u are looking for partners, make no mistake, u can take me to alaska or leave me here is chicago, rest assured you and ur partners will be rigged and any available oil pumped out to drainage, not like BP into ocean ha ha ha...
Fight like a king or let the bill remain where it is logged, OK Kido. Think Whatnext dude?
Whatznext said...
@Billoger: Use all your effort to pull the bill logged in the wrong part of your body. Maybe that will kickstart your brain.
I think you are about to lose you patience but make sure do not cross the decency because you are the champion of decency. I know you are trying to help us but make sure you do not get trapped in it.
Why do you sound so much like, WHO_LET_THE_HORMONES_OUT?
I guess you change your IDs when you run out of answers. No big deal, Thieves are always Thieves.
By the way, let's talk about real stuff..
Where are the answers to REAL questions? Why is nobody from your CHADDI leadership answering?
Afterall you are all for democracy, transparency....let's see some explanation?
Please dont answer by Saying Tariq lost elections and move on..
PLEASE PLEASE try to answer the real questions.
@SITUP-you asked for it, can you tell me which word or line is indecent in the statement I quoted? Don't trust ur mind, it may mislead u, build the power of +ve thinking.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder so is the interpretation of statements, i do not know how u interpreted mine, can u point out the "indecency" please?
If you cannot then follow the instructions in your name and think Whatnext dude?
@billoger: go question the leadership dude, why ask me? Did i phsyche u out.
You now want to talk about the real stuff, now ur talking business.
Keep asking questions, let the real leader standup and answer - that is the spirit.
Keep it up Billoger, dont give up, keep asking whatnext dude?
Why is everyone so quiet? You guys just wanted votes and now you ran away cuz you have no answers in just less than 90 days!! Thats IT!!! You cannot even answer your deeds for first 3 months, how you are gona answer for 2 years.
Wake up Chaddi Leaders and Thieves.....all you can produce as an answer is WHATZNEXT who sounds like Dave Chappell's illegal hormone.
@SITUP-you asked for it, can you tell me which word or line is indecent in the statement I quoted? Don't trust ur mind, it may mislead u, build the power of +ve thinking
you are so afraid now I did not say that you passed the indecency. I told that make sure you do not cross the line since you are getting so pumped up. Think before you write or consult with master.
sonia ji sonia ji - ab kiya likhon
@Billoger: Yeah billo...what happened again the problem with Bill, has it logged again clogging ur thinking process..
I am me, and i will be me, i dont need ur effort to help me with names which u google and find. Google leading personalities and u may find some more names. Illegal hormone, where did u get that term - ha ha ha, is that what the doc's told u after ur lab test? :( :(
Fight battle like a man or graze like a cattle at HP or WP, better still think Whatznext dude?
It is high time that league seriously consider the rule to restrict the number of terms a guy can be elected for a president and also his residency. These checks are required to keep the league united and progressive.
I am amazed to see the demand for changes in such a short time this year but no body seemed to bother all these years when a single person leading remotely.
Atleast, this management have the guts to recognise this blog as an important part of our league by having a link. Previous management was coward enough by removing the link from the site.
Be wise to use this blog in a constructive way to develop the league.
@billoger: go question the leadership dude, why ask me? Did i phsyche u out.
He asked the management not you. We will ask you then when ACC rule will lift so that we can play there?
@SITUP: Is this what u write when u getted knocked up, think well buddy come up with some better ones for comeback.
u think even others have masters like u. Master are only for dumbos like u.
Think well, think whatznext dude...or run away....
WhatzNext....your mind is stuck somewhere in the gutter...or may be your hormones are stuck somewhere. Please ask ADY to help you to clean your vas deferens.
Like i said, you need to go back to Alaska. Your IQ seem as thin as the grass at HP which your management forgets to cut on time.
How come your chaddi leader wont step up to answer question?
Next Step, please call your chaddi leader and wake him/her up.
@SITUP: gr8, now u are so psyched that u assume i am somebody from ACC, i cant but help you dumbo.
Who cares about ACC, that is another hillarious part of midwest cricket. so let us not use this blog for that, maybe we will run out of server space.
Think better, think whatznext dude?
Guest_rule said...
Previous management was coward enough by removing the link from the site.
previous mgt took the blog off because of these 40 theives abused the blog and way passed the decency lines. It is de-ja-vu!! my friends
@Billoger: My mind was stuck in the gutter when I tried to pull you out of drainage/sewage, but fortunately i came out unharmed as i let u rot there.
My IQ is as think as the grass at HP ha ha ha...atleast you agree i have IQ, i simply dont believe u hv one..dumbo
I dont know who u refer to chaddi leader, why dont u ask pointed questions to the right person instead of all this shady names.
I will wake up the leader once u pull the bill that is logged out, till then think whatznext dude?
@SITUP- Is it de-ja-vu or deja-vo president ka seat. Think better whatznext dude?
""Who cares about ACC, ""
HAHAHA...for years your chaddi leaders were saying allow to play in fact that was one of their main points for elections.
You Sarahs need to wake up and quit licking. See the FACTS my friend.
Next Step....wake up yourself and your chaddi leaders. Try to see what loggs the thieves and leaders are giving you.
@SITUP: Can u name all those 40 theives so that everybody else like me in this league will be enlightened?
Thanks for the least someone in the Thief Cabinet has some courage to stand up (without Ady's VIA***)
@SITUP said: .. sonia ji sonia ji - ab kiya likhon
Who is person and how is she related to this league? I can guess whom you may be referring to but wanted to know straight from u.
@Billoger:Even in my worst dreams i dont want to be part of this or the earlier management. I dont know what statement of mine made u think so.
I am just another guy among you, maybe your team mate, maybe your friend, maybe anybody, but surely not from either of the management :)
BTW, there is a saying only thieves know how thieves behave - r u still sure u know these management are thieves.
Rule 101: Dont write stuff that may boomerang on you.
if you cannot do that, think whatznext dude?
Please wake yourself up and your Chaddi leader that you love to defend so much.
Players in this league are waiting for answer :)
Cannot move any further unless we get some answers.
I'm shutting down comments for this blog until everyone can control themselves a little bit. This has gone out of control. Check back in sometime when everyone has take a chill pill and then start your discussions again, but with a modicum of decency.
Ok, after the 24 hour lock-out, hopefully everyone has calmed down a little bit. I've opened it up for comments again.
What happened in the ALNT night game last night?
There was no ALNT game Adi...
We had our final Selection trial session last night.
Top 5 games of the week in my opinon
Pak v Peoria
Challengers v Flames
Madison v Illinois
Rogers Park v Arena
MWCA v DeePark
The RPCC vs Arena game will be particularly interesting in respects to the race to Div 1.
Can experts post the predictions for this week :)? Wake up ppl. Either it is too busy or no traffic at all.
Seems like everyone is back to the real/bill paying job ;)
Are we going to get report on balls? Why we didn't get Grays. TA or Shekhs group we need clarification on this.
Shekhs ---- did we announce the team for CER? Only 1wk left.
Guys, for statistical purposes, can somebody come up with the following data:
a. What was the impact of the condition of the ball on a game?
b. How many results were changed due to the condition of the ball?
c. Did the umpires allow change of balls - if so how many such instances were recorded?
d. Did the captains of the teams raise this as a recorded issue in their match report?
e. Will playing with this ball for the next few games change your teams performance or points, please provide specifics.
I think this data will provide enough food for thought to manage how to deal with this situation in a short-term till a solution is found, else let us together explore whatnext dude?
There will not be any impact on anything if management begins to ask us to play with Tennis Balls.
Boundaries were already shortened, so why not change the balls to Tennis. Both teams can play with same Wilson Balls and hence it's fair? We can save TONS of money, and bring DJ at every game.
Whatsnext.....hope that you will say something that makes sense.
Mitul said...
Seems like everyone is back to the real/bill paying job ;)
no mitual it is about to say good on this blog otherwise they will shut down again. You just can not criticize and ask the relative questions to the leaders.
Hi Billy: U r back this time with an input as silly as it can get. If asking inputs to arrive at a solution is wrong, i dont know how to make sense of anything to you.
Please remember one thing which may come handy to you "wise men say, because they have something to say, fools say because they have to say something".
Kindly dont look for something that what you lack in yourself, you will never find it.
Your statement about tennis ball, DJ and shortened boundary is reflection of your low level thinking, immature thought process and your compelling need to write something for the sake of writing, Relax, think well, think sense and write Whatznext Dude?
Blogger said...
Are we going to get report on balls? Why we didn't get Grays. TA or Shekhs group we need clarification on this.
I think both of the groups are lying that is the reason they are not pushing to reveal the truth. May be they do not have one.
Whatznext said...
Guys, for statistical purposes, can somebody come up with the following data:
Why don't you take this as your project since the suggestions came from you? Can you please call all the teams to find out the progress of these balls and shared with us the outcome. It will be much appreciated from management point of you. That will be what next for you?
Your statement about tennis ball, DJ and shortened boundary is reflection of your low level thinking, immature thought process and your compelling need to write something for the sake of writing, Relax, think well, think sense and write Whatznext Dude?
LOL...u finally said something funny.
Now I have only one thing to say to u
do you know how to play cricket?
(not the cricket with Tennis Balls, DJs and without lights)
Whatsnext.....STILL hope that you will say something that makes sense :))
@SITUP: I am not sure if they are lying or if they dont have a solution / funding? Whatever it is, I believe that, being a nagging issue, it should be resolved - period.
If it means spending few extra bucks so be it. May be allocate some emergency funding, or negotiate better terms with vendor, giving them some advertisement in our league for their products, something needs to be done to ensure better cricketing experience.
What the league needs is not words of comfort in this blog, but real action and its result. The sooner the better for everybody who has paid to be part of this system. As a paid member/customer we are right in questioning the quality of experience, the management is duty bound to provide their views with a clear action plan.
They should come up with concrete steps than keep wonderinng Whatznext dude?
Hi Billy: Now you know y i call u billy the silly....when u run out of answers you repeat the same set of lines, thanks to cut & paste technology.
I may or may not match up to your level in cricket, but i can say it with a stamp of authority, very few can match your skill of senselessness....meow meow...u billy
Think buddy, whatznext dude?
Who Let Whats Next Out?
Looks like you keep changing your name and my name.
Trust me, I am a simple player in this league who pays to play and enjoys the blog.
By the way, I agree with your statement above. I didnt know my wish to ask for you to say something that makes sense will be answered right away.
Thanks Bud.
@SITUP: I am not sure if they are lying or if they dont have a solution / funding? Whatever it is, I believe that, being a nagging issue, it should be resolved - period.
Your attitude is different today. Did you forget to take the medicine on the other day. This is what we are looking for answers for some of the questions that we posted but none of them answered right. It looks like that you are from one of them that is why you are getting so upset.
At last billy, I am glad u r able to make e-friends finally. I am delighted that I was able to make you see merit in others statement.
Good Luck with your cricket!!
We are still waiting for answers.
What was your stand on rescheduing games last year on the fly and what is your now? I bet you are dying to share your wisdom.
Plese do not turn off the blog again.
SITUP said:
This is what we are looking for answers for some of the questions that we posted but none of them answered right.
And dont forget, instead of answering they decided to shut down the blog for 24hrs.
I guess that's the time they need for their medicines to show effect.
Lets pose some other questions
are there any efforts being made towards ground #3 in WP? Can you give us some deadlines as to when this will be fixed?
when can we have the CER teams names? The PM was very bad to post the team on site. You are following the same pattern. Try to be different from them.
@SITUP: I am not able to recall if Aditya changed his statement or offered clarification to this statement. There is a sea of difference between changing and clarifying.
Fortunately we are dealing with professionals and not politicians. I am sure Aditya is a professional.
So let us try and get some action initiated to resolve the issue with ball rather than seeking his reaction to the statement. How is his statement going to change the quality of ball? So let us drop that and look at how to resolve.
Ask the captains to write about the ball in every report, apply pressure and seek solution the right way
Hope this helps....
Anyone from management still alive?
I guess so much from management about:
"transparency, democracy, providing answers, standing up for their actions and picking up financial statements every month"...
Does anyone know if there is a copy of the video Mr President giving his speech before elections...where all the big claims were made? I think Mr Adnan was broadcasting it so i guess the copy should be somewhere?
I must say...Whatsnext dude
Chargers are playing back to back. It must be a very exciting and critical week for them.
T-Storms predicted for this weekend. This is very annoying.
Good luck to all travelling teams.
Whatznext said...
@SITUP: I am not able to recall if Aditya changed his statement or offered clarification to this statement. There is a sea of difference between changing and clarifying.
You're correct. Unfortunately, not everyone gets that.
In my opinion, the ball does last 40 overs, which is a good thing. But it barely swings - which is a bad thing. While the ball isn't as bad as in 2006 or 2007 (where the ball didn't last 30 overs), it's definitely a downgrade from 2009.
Also - I'm not a bowler! ;-)
My bowling is about as good as some of the blogging we've seen recently. :):)
Completely agreed. What's up with the weather? The storms the last few days have been out of control!!
Chargers do have a back-to-back - though not as tough as they had earlier in the season vs Pak and then Challs!! It's a tough schedule, but they requested it. Hope we get cricket on both days of this weekend.
I thought couple days ago you told that the balls swings after 30 overs and now you are saying it does not swing? There are lot of contradicitions in your statements evertime you write. All you are doing is justifying for nothing. These craps balls were never be delivered in last 15 years. If you are not a bowler then do not say things that makes no sense. By the way, your batting as good as your bowling.
How about the viewpoint of rescheduling games last year and now? How come you have no opinion on changing the games on the same day now?
Chargers play against Phoenix & United this week. How come Phoenix captain himself say the weekend is not as tough as Pak & Chall?. I guess a few Phoenix folks read this bog. Hopefully they are not cursing their captain for not showing confidence. :) You never know what’s going on with United. Learnt it was a close game against Peoria last time.
Anyways all the best to Phoenix/you. You guys definitely need four points this weekend, may not be as badly as United.
Ahtreya is the captain of Phoenix now.. and not Aditya ... He has been sacked :-)
Whatznext said...
@SITUP: I am not able to recall if Aditya changed his statement or offered clarification to this statement. There is a sea of difference between changing and clarifying.
I am not judging his statement or the balls will not change after his statement. if he does not know anyhting about it then he should keep his mounth shut rather covincing the teams that this is as good as last year. He is changing his statements about balls evertime he writes. This is managment duty to send a survey to all the teams about the balls or share with the league. Many people on this blog admitted that the balls are crap.
As far clarifying from him we asked him about the rescheduling games last year. He opposed the most on rescheduling games last year but unfortunately he did not see any rescheduled or moved the venue of the games on the same day without sending a notice to the teams. Atleast, no game was moved on the same day without sending the communication to the league.
My friend this is their strategy now all is well and please everyone. There is no consistency in rules and discipline now.
If you are not a cheif advisor then I would suggest that you should apply for that position. You may have better plans for Midwest.
Alpesh said...
Ahtreya is the captain of Phoenix now.. and not Aditya ... He has been sacked :-)
That is wrong he is not sacked. He has taken some time off now or may be phoenix reputation is going down because of him.
Aditya has an average of 38.25 runs from 5 games, which is pretty decent.
Suck it up,
Couple of things - firstly, Rashid from Pak swung it after 30 overs only, not every bowler. I made that statement specifically after that game. Secondly, I wasn't sure which ball they used - I asked Raheel to confirm, but he didn't. I said that the ball used that game was pretty good - may not have been the Grade A ones - I don't know. I do know that since the first game, the balls have barely swung, and all those were Grade-A balls. I haven't changed my comments - go back and read them if you're not clear.
As for the schedule, the only games being rescheduled are the ones for WP3 due to the poor drainage on that ground. I supported the WP3 reschedules last year too. What I didn't support are the last minute reschedules on other grounds to suit certain teams. If you know of any that have have happened this year, let me know - I don't see any of those "special" reschedules. Compare apples to apples - not apples to oranges.
You're right. We need the 4 points. If I was Captain, that statement may not have gone down too well with the team!! :):):)
I am not judging his statement or the balls will not change after his statement. if he does not know anyhting about it then he should keep his mounth shut rather covincing the teams that this is as good as last year. He is changing his statements about balls evertime he writes. This is managment duty to send a survey to all the teams about the balls or share with the league. Many people on this blog admitted that the balls are crap.
And yet, you are "judging" it. Maybe you didn't understand what "judging" means.
I'm not sure how keeping my mouth shut would help - I can still type whatever I want - much the same as you do!! :)
I don't believe I was convincing any teams about what to think. If anything, you tried to do that. I just gave my opinion, which for some reason hurt your feelings. Haven't seen anyone as upset about it as you and CLARIFYING (not changing) doesn't seem to calm your ego. But then, I suspect nothing will, so I really couldn't bother too much about it.
If you want management responses, send them an email at "" and ask them questions. But keep in mind, they may not respond to anonymous troublemakers - but they will respond to any concerned members of the MwCC community. Your real name may be required to differentiate between those two categories.
The MwCC has never been run or managed through this blog by either management, and I don't think that's going to change anytime soon. Here, you will only get "smart-ass" responses - especially if you go the anonymous route. But then, that's why you're anonymous, right?
In the words of the wise philosopher, "what's next dude"?
As far clarifying from him we asked him about the rescheduling games last year. He opposed the most on rescheduling games last year but unfortunately he did not see any rescheduled or moved the venue of the games on the same day without sending a notice to the teams. Atleast, no game was moved on the same day without sending the communication to the league.
I could try and respond to this, but I don't understand what this means. Can someone else decode this and explain? I don't think anyone from any management could understand what you mean. Please try again.
That is wrong he is not sacked. He has taken some time off now or may be phoenix reputation is going down because of him.
Are you defending me??????? Looks like you started trying to defend me, and then decided to try and offend me. LOL.
Whatznext - may I borrow your tag line?
Suck it, what's next dude?
Friend, Philosopher, Guide whatever that i am to this blog, I am glad we are now thinking progressively. Everytime somebody says Whatznext dude, we are looking forward to something new, something different, something unique - so let's keep up this momentum and progress positively.
The power of positive thinking is such that it takes the shape we desire it to be as, much like liquid taking shape of the container it is in. So think Positive, think whatznext dude?
So stop not friends, lets all move forward together and when each other of us get stuck, let us not hesitate to motivate the other by asking whatznext dude in fact we can ask this ourselves - right? The results will be amazing, you will be happy you did.
Having said that, whatznext dude?
Why is "Challengers" such a strong and winning team? Lets not give a single line answer that the team has very good players. There must be more reasons. Lets get into details.
As for the schedule, the only games being rescheduled are the ones for WP3 due to the poor drainage on that ground. I supported the WP3 reschedules last year too. What I didn't support are the last minute reschedules on other grounds to suit certain teams. If you know of any that have have happened this year, let me know - I don't see any of those "special" reschedules. Compare apples to apples - not apples to oranges.
Regarding the balls, I do not want to argue with you anymore since you do not comprehend the issue. It seems like that everyone is happy with the balls apart from the comments we received from different team members on the blog.
As far as schedule concern, you are again wrong my friends that you supported any reschuling last year. You never did. Also to your knowledge that there were some games changed this year not because of wp3 drainage issue but to suit certain teams. Let me give you two examples.
Example#1 - Illinois vs Hammonds was not scheduled on WP3 on 05/02/2010. It was in hammond as scheduled on the site got moved on the same day to Washington Park but teams filled the scorecard as played in Hammond. Inconsistent.
Example# 2 Arena vs Jaguars not scheduled on WP3 on 5/22/2010. It was in St. louis got moved on the same day to Collinsville but teams filled the scorecad as played in Hazelwood. Inconsistent.
Let me repeat your earlier statement my friend "What I didn't support are the last minute reschedules on other grounds to suit certain teams".
These two games contradicts your statement. The only differecne is that when you made this statement you were in opposition but now "All is well". You will not question to the management because you think that this is not your problem.
When you stood on something then stick with it honestly. Do not try to justify wrong things to public.
Go and get some apples and oranges to sort them out. If you need help find a kid to ask him to sort it for you.
Suck it up,
The problem with you is you think everything is a conspiracy. I completely agree with you that the ICC vs Hammond game should not have been moved. Check the website - it was never rescheduled. The game was moved by both the teams on the day - not by the scheduling committee or management. This was a mistake, and Shekhs has already addressed it. If you have a concern, send him an email and he will explain it more.
As far as Arena vs Jaguars is concerned, I didn't know that. We never rescheduled the game, so it was obviously done by both teams. I'm not sure if Shekhs and team were aware of this. But if you do hear about things like this, send an email and it will be investigated. This is the first I've heard about it.
There is a difference between teams doing it themselves and the kind of rescheduling that was done where:
1. the MG vs SL game was moved from Chicago to St Louis
2. the Flames vs Phoenix game was rescheduled as back-to-back for no fault of Phoenix
3. the Falmes second back-to-back that weekend started at 11 while MG still thought it started at 10
There is a huge difference between teams taking this into their own hands vs management making exceptions for certain teams.
Those 2 games don't contradict my earlier statements - I still don't support it and I didn't know about it until after for Eg1 and just now for Eg2.
Go and get some apples and oranges to sort them out. If you need help find a kid to ask him to sort it for you.
Are you playing that "random comment" game again because you didn't understand what I said?
If anybody care about last year scheduled games in Washington Park Ground #3, management knows that ground is not playable first 3 weeks atleast but decided to consider them as rainedout games. But later on they adjusted the games for other teams to play in other grounds. Which is unfair for teams that lost out playing.
For example, look at last year's schedule for the week of 7/11/2009 Illinois vs Giants which is originally scheduled in ground #3. If you look at the score card it lists as played in ground #1.
There is no point in beating the bushes and cry as if it is new this year. I am not for or against any management but there are glaring inconsistencies before and after.
Can the management always consider notifying every team when they change against the original schedule. Atleast that is called transperancy and give a case to other teams that they are not losing out in playing a game fairly.
Ok. We give a benefit to both managements for WP3. However, I am looking for answers for those two games happened this year not on WP3 as stated in Example 1 and Example 2. Any thoughts on them.
SIT_UP: you can't selectively give benefit because some teams lost out playing a game even though weather was good. Where as other teams played in the later weeks knowing that is not possible in ground #3.
As a team that cares more about playing a game than points that concerns us.
Any comments on those two games played outside WP3. Why they got changed on the same day?
One more thing i have noticed is that quality of balls normally suck during the year elections happen. They improve remarkably the year when elections are due.
Can someone explain if this is coincidental or not?
2008 balls sucked due to too many experiments.
2009 balls are better
2010 balls suck again
2011 may be it will improve because of elections.
Management has tendency to say sorry and moved away from that. It is a great way of ignoring. Anyway if this is their strategy then good luck of Midwest.
Where is the prediction for this weekend games?
SIT_UP: How much effort did you put to better the league before? If you did can you demonstrate how did you communicate to before to express ur concerns.
Atleast you should be happy that someone from the current management is reading ur concerns and may be working to address them. I can't tell the same about years before.
Be +ve and it will help everyone.
About the games being moved around, the 2 games in question, I'm responsible for those.
1. Hammond Vs. ICC - that was my mistake, I let that happen. The game shouldnt have been rescheduled at all. No games will be rescheduled like that anymore.
2. Jaguars Vs. Arena - The Hazelwood ground was unavailable that day and since we had a team travelling, we didnt want to call that a rainout, so moved that to collinsville.
Lemme know if you have further questions.
Question 1: Why was the Giants vs. Jags game was reduced to 25 overs/side?
Question 2: sorry to nit pick.. the schedule says WP2 for this game.. so this was not a WP#3 game.. but the score card says WP ground 1.
Can any one from Giants, Jags, Alpesh or the mgmnt clarify?
The giants Vs. Jags game was moved to WP#1 to provide ground # 2 for Eagles Vs. CCI, since they were scheduled to play on WP#3.
On sundays, we have to vacate WP#1 by 1:30, as UCC has a game at 2.
Since the game started on WP#1 at 10:00, they could only afford to play 25 overs.
Lemme know if you have further questions.
I scored a 100...
Guest_rule said...
One more thing i have noticed is that quality of balls normally suck during the year elections happen. They improve remarkably the year when elections are due.
Can someone explain if this is coincidental or not?
That's an awesome observation. I'd be interested in knowing that too. :)
Management has tendency to say sorry and moved away from that. It is a great way of ignoring. Anyway if this is their strategy then good luck of Midwest.
Really? I never saw an apology in the last few years?
Everyone makes mistakes - the question is whether they are repeated or not. If they are, then there is a problem. If not, you appreciate the change, say "what's next dude", and move on.
I have put the same effort as chief advisor. I am glad that I have not hunted the position that I have no clue. I made my point here that the NMgt is running the league with no strategy and not making the league towards the change they sold to the teams.
As Shekhs explained with his nature "my mistake" We have heard this many times. Folks his statements are different on the phone and different in public.
Do you have Hazelwood number so I can confirm with the park if actually this is true?
If i can refresh my memory
Going Back to CA balls they were pretty decent quality to play 40 overs.
2007, we got one batch which was bad and we were told the supplier didnt "dry' them.
2008, the management decided to try new vendors and 1box each of SG and Grays was given to teams to try out.
Based on feedback from teams, league order Grays for rest of 2008 and the 2009 season.
I dont see any relation to the election year.
May be someone else can correct me get facts here.
On to some of this week's games:
1. Pak vs Peoria - 2 teams that were/are considered playoff contenders. Should be a fun game.
2. AAA vs Purdue - A playoff preview?
3. Challengers vs Flames - Definitely a playoff preview. Can the Challengers prevent Fahad from scoring another Century?
4. RPCC vs Arena - Huge implications for the race to Div 1.
Some important games this week.
Friends, each one of us are in this league to play the game. If a particular ground is not fit, then I think we should leave it to the two captains and the umpire to decide if they wish to change the venue. This is fine provided there is no other scheduled game impact or there is no monetary impact. Claiming that letting that game happened changed the points table is unfair, the game had to happen either way.
These are operational issues and not management (old or new) malfunction. Unless somebody has a twitter account or blog or online access to our site, nobody can change what is on our website.
As long as the schedules are not selectively manipulated, I think we should allow for the flexibility to move the venue if available.
We all have paid to play 14 games, it is critical that the game get underway one way or the other. I am sure you have made many compromises at the personal end to make it to the game, then why not play it. It becomes more important when it is a travelling team.
So friends, instead of fighting it out, let have a consensus on this and simply say, this is fine, whatznext dude?
Thanks for getting back. Seems like a valid reason. I am confident that this was not done becasue of any bias :)
now see.. what happened last weekend the.. the WP2 game got washedout. However, the game in WP1 was played !! That too with reduced # of overs, not because of weather but because the ground not available. Which looks somewhat shady.
What I wanted to highlight was moving games is one thing but altering the format is another :) Like the one with Jags and Giants -reducing the # of overs, starting the game early etc. I dont think we vested you with the power to do this :) Let the rest of the league know in advance and then all this should be fine, at least I hope others would agree:) My suggestion is be careful when you do these good faith moves.. for they may cause unintended issues :)
Tatabybycu: Let us once and for all say Tata, bye, bye and CU for all such issues, it is painstaking that some trivival issues are getting highlighted.
Even at international level games we see that a 50 over game is truncated to 15 overs so that we get some play underway, I am not sure y this should be an issue at MWCC level. If the two captains and the umpire agree to this and that it is done to ensure that play happens, we should be fine.
i dont see it as a change of format, but a change in the number of overs due to playing condition.
So letz leave that and say whatznext dude?
I agree somewhat with you whatznext.. some flexibility should be there.. and its good to have it.. as long there is a valid reason and it is between the teams it is fine. but when the mgmnt steps in it has to be careful not to irk someone else. I made my advice, suggestion hope its taken in a +ve way and now its tata to this issue..
btw, what does the CER team composition look like? any news? eager to hear who is going to be representing us !!
Thanks, really appreciate your being in sync. Way 2 go, ur question on CER team is a sign that you are moving in the right direction and thinking whatznext dude?
thanks for the confidence bud..
There are certain things you really need not let the entire league know. At least, trivial stuff like this. Do you really want us to let you know every time we reschedule a game or move it around based on some issue?
With respect to reducing the number of overs, we do it to accomodate a game. It wasn't a call made by the management, as the management doesnt have the right to make that call. The umpire has the right to make that call, and he did.
We just told them that the minimum amount of overs for a div 1 or div 2 game are 25. No Div 1 or Div 2 game can be played for less than 25 overs.
The rest is upto the umpire when its game time.
"Shekhs said...
The giants Vs. Jags game was moved to WP#1 to provide ground # 2 for Eagles Vs. CCI, since they were scheduled to play on WP#3."
Damn! we got punished at #2 too... :)
Shekhs: Why does the management give directionn with regard to the minimum number of overs? What if the umpire decides 15-20 overs can be played?
The whole idea is to get the game underway and that is why many leave home to hit the turf.
I dont think that Div 1 or Div 2 will loose its sheen just because the no. of overs is reduced, instead it may throw some interesting result - which is what cricket is all about.
So think whatznext dude.
Everybody> ek din ke liye can we just talk about some games please. Phir monday se we can get back to normal. Looks like there are some interesting games coming up. Hope Alpesh found his Tendulkar.
We have a bye so we are not really worried about the weather. Hopefully it doesnt rain anywhere but just my backyard.
Goodluck everybody. Score some runs, get some wickets, take some great catches and all my wicketkeeping brethren do some outstanding stumpings.
I think we need to send some new and exciting players to CER. My top 11:
Sachin Pahuja
Shahid (Bears)
Ravi U (Peoria)
Ram (WC)
Shankar (Flames)
Hans Raj
Thats the rule in our rules section. (minimum 25 overs)
that has been the rule for a while, we just adhere to those rules.
ice_cold said:Going Back to CA balls they were pretty decent quality to play 40 overs.
2007, we got one batch which was bad and we were told the supplier didnt "dry' them.
2008, the management decided to try new vendors and 1box each of SG and Grays was given to teams to try out
In 2007 balls are not totally bad and may be except for one batch. If that is the case, widsom says there is no need to change the balls but press with the vendor to take care of next time. Instead someone decided to experiment and bought cheap balls which are worse.
Even 2009 we were instructed to dry the balls since vendor doesn't have time to do so. Which we did and they were good.
Lesson from this is either someone mint money alternate years or we all should be little patient in judging the people to whom we rest responsibility with.
I prefer the second one and lets hope we all contribute in +ve way rather than opposing just because you feel so.
Thanks Shekhs, itz abt time we changed that antiquated rule and think whatznext dude?
Preetam: I agree, let us keep Friday as a NON-VIOLENT BLOG DAY, oops I propogate peace and used the wrong term, my bad; let us call Friday's THINK-PLAY Day, here two captains from the opposing teams can energize this blog by throwing in their strategies or by seeking inputs from other teams who have played on what worked and what did not, that will be a departure from the past and will make people think whatznext dude?
by weekend huh...brownie points hang with the family....
Shekhsy > Thats what I plan to do. Thoda picture wicture and some dinner winner...
Whatznext > good Idea. I think everybody needs to show some pyaar vyaar. After all this blog is active only for 3 months usmein we if keep arguing then the fun part is being reduced.
Moaz masthi karo yaar. Kya fighting vighting. :)
Unofficial news - Chaminda Vaas, Arjun Yadav, Nasir Jamsheed, Imran Nazir, Hemang Badani may play in the night tournament for one of the teams ... God saves the other teams in that group .. :-)
Who is this dump a$$$ arjun yadav? I pity that somebody needs his service too...
Hey Guest_Rule, rather than exploring his exploits, try to learn whatever little from Arjun or any of ur league companions.
I dont know how u make such comments without giving a thought, Arjun if the son of the famous indian off spinner Shivlal Yadav and has had some good knock at Ranji level playing for Hyderabad.
I just checked it in Cricinfo. Thanks for making me check that, with ur comment my boy.
Boss, I am sure Indian Ranji is of some standard; unless of course you bat like Tendulkar and bowl like McGrath/Harbhajan. If so you should have been in the US or CER team, if u r neither here nor there then just cork up and appreciate thinking whatznext dude?
I am from Hyd and i know about A.Yadav. It's gr8 to see first-class talent coming and playing in the league
If u read my comment on lighter vein u can sense the humour. I like watch players who believe in their skill than getting help from father to stay in the team.
BTW he can teach us how to use the stump to run down opposition if we don't know yet.:)-
Good that u r frm Hyderabad, so now u will say Azhar can teach us to run down opposition by fixing the game?
So u will also argue that his father helped him to score the 4 hundreds and 18 50's. Have u played with him, were u in the selection committe, do u hv proof to ur claim that his father helped him, can u present it to this blog. Else everybody will condemn your claim like that of another sensational false claim by some cheap tabloids.
So kindly follow the guest rule and think whatznext dude?
Can you say which date/week they r gona play? I would love to come see all the action.
Whatznext seems to have menstrual mood this afternoon. Chill out.
Not everything we talk have to be black and white otherwise you can't understand the leak under your pants.
rest in peace is whatznext..:)-
Hey Guest Rule: We talk about cricket and its pad here, not the one you wear when u hv the problem u hv stated. Now everybody knows ur problem, live with it.
U badly need to learn to respect both men and women. I sympathize u and everybody close to u who by now will be sick of this male chauvenist, gender biased attitude of yours.
I sure will rest in peace if you can take care of yourself change ur stuff, avoid making this blog filthy and think positively whatznext dude?
Whatznext: Please don't brand me male chauvenist...i love ladies and especially you lady if that helps your ego..
I expressed my dislike about A.Yadav and i have right and if you don't like that comment move on. Don't show ur moods here nobody cares old ladies bad moods.
Oops..u dont like being branded Male Chauvenist right, no lady likes being called so, my bad missy, now dont crib and prove how cheaper u can get.
U hv the right to comment on anybody agreed, but when u make allegations, back it with evidence else it is cheap gossip.
Go read ur statements many times and u will be convinced that the best place for ur snobbish comments is the trash can where u store everyother thing clinging close to u.
Missy, think whatznext dude?
Looks like nobody wants to talk about games this weekend, the CER team or the arrival of International Stars in PHX. I think that will be Sunil's revenge on all teams :)
Thanks ICE for bringing cricket back to discussion, i wanted to have Friday as THINK-PLAY day. I was looking at the Abid Laheri tournament and find that we have some good 30/30 teams challenging the 1st division teams - Desi Tigers v/s Chargers, Chicago Hawks v/s Eagles, it cant get better. It will be good to see if these guys can put a good fight. Any takers?
ice cold,
The international stars in PHX? Phoenix? They are playing for the ICML team in the night tournament, not for us. We don't have the resources to "import" such talents. :(
To keep your attention, I think the 2 games with the biggest impact will be Flames vs Challs and RPCC vs Arena. Hopefully rain doesn't play spoil-sport.
And I'm curious too when the CER team will be announced. Our Chief Selector C8W hasn't posted anything as yet - but it has to be done soon. The CER is next weekend, right??
Alpesh, is it unofficially true that PHX is unleashing international stars u mentioned earlier, from ice_cold's statement looks like he has some update.
The blog will benefit if it can be shared, atheleast it will be a treat to watch them play.
Preetam Sir,
Did not understand 'Hope Alpesh found his Tendulkar'. Please elaborate :-)
Ice_cold Sir,
I am going to play in Evanston for the very first time .. Looking forward to it.
Whatznext Sir,
It is not Phoenix. ICML team is trying to rope in the stars. Once things are confirmed, we will officially publish the information so that we can have a big crowd. The ICML matches by the way are in mid-july ..
Thanks Alpesh for clarifying. Yes I will look forward to the update on our website. I will surely be there wondering, whatznext dude?
Evanston has a strange pitch...make sure you have a helmet on :))
This is really good for the league that ICML is bringin in all the stars. It will great exposure to our league.
Also will test caliber of our players in this league!
@ICE_COLD: Believe me, I have absolutely no revenge against the league or any of its valuable members - I would appreciate if u trust me when i say this.
All I wanted was that this blog should not become a platform for mud-slinging and personal remarks, which unfortunately few were resorting too. The shutting down of the blog proved that few people were indeed exceeding lines of deceny and personal remarks. That was a steely decision and i stand with it. Again I have nothing to do with the present or past management while i support this.
I am glad that the blog now is a different place, though, i do not want to be seen or heard much blogging here; though I may come in once in a while.
I once again wish the best to each one of the teams and leagues because the legacy of cricket, cricketers and blogging has to continue.
Wishing all teams happy & victorious weekend with better weather.
Borrowing our friends advise, I relax out here thinking what's next dude!!
Dear people from the management,
After promising CCI last week that a repeat of "traveling to the ground only to find it unplayable", won't happen. you let the same thing happen just a week later. Not just one, but all the games in washington park were rained out. With puddles of water around, couldn't you have inspected the ground before hand and canceled, rescheduled, or moved the games to different venues and informed the traveling teams of the same? Moreover, it wasn't overnight rain that spoiled the ground - rain throughout the week ensured that.
Very disappointed with the happenings today
I believe it is very tough to call it a day, especially at Washington Park because of the good drainage.
It seems like management is under microscope :)
Alpesh> werent you looking for a batsman to play in your team ? I was hoping you found one and he turns up to be like tendulkar.
" Guest_rule said...
BTW he can teach us how to use the stump to run down opposition if we don't know yet.:)- "
Ha Ha Ha...Guest_rule i know exactly what you are saying. BTW it was not Arjun it was Rajesh. And i am really happy that the guys affected during that incident are both doing fine at the national level.
And it was not really the opposite team.
Rains play havoc, many teams spirits weakened over the damp weekend! Scores "all out for no loss". Personally for many of us "no outs just all loss".
and b4 ne body asks....letz keep guessing about next weekend and think whatznext dude?
bleh said...
Not just one, but all the games in washington park were rained out. With puddles of water around, couldn't you have inspected the ground before hand and canceled, rescheduled, or moved the games to different venues and informed the traveling teams of the same? Moreover, it wasn't overnight rain that spoiled the ground - rain throughout the week ensured that.
Actually, it *was* overnight rain that caused the rainouts.
Moe was at the ground on Friday, after the Thursday tornados/storms e - and found Arena/RP ground bad enough that it would be unplayable. Thus that game was called off. But the other 2 grounds on Friday looked like they could be playable, especially with further sun Friday afternoon etc.
There was late overnight rain, however. I know I was woken up at 4am by rolling thunder (on the northside)... but nobody could really know if it was raining southside at the same time unless they lived there, obviously. It did, and very heavily, making the grounds unplayable. There isnt much you can do about that, IMHO - if it rains Friday night or on the day of the game, you pretty much know the state of the ground only on the morning of the game.
As for reschedules.. those have never happened for overnight or day-of-game rain (last years reschedules for Ground3 were basically because it would rain on Tuesday, by Saturday Ground2 and Ground4 would be perfect for cricket, but Ground3 would be unplayable.. thus making a rainout there unfair). If there is overnight rain and all 3 grounds are unplayable, then all those games are IMHO washouts - always have been, and pretty much always should be.
As for moving games to different grounds.. Adi from Scheduling Committee can talk about it :-) But I dont think we have grounds to be able to do those things - dont think there were any grounds available for play on Saturday in the Chicagoland area that were going unused anyway.
Preetam N said...
" Guest_rule said...
BTW he can teach us how to use the stump to run down opposition if we don't know yet.:)- "
Ha Ha Ha...Guest_rule i know exactly what you are saying. BTW it was not Arjun it was Rajesh. And i am really happy that the guys affected during that incident are both doing fine at the national level.
And it was not really the opposite team.
Hmm. I think maybe we're talking different incidents, Preetam?
I recall one where it *was* Arjun, not Rajesh. And the player in the incident hasnt played international cricket (IPL doesnt count as international cricket still, thank god :-) And it *was* the opposite team... as far as Andhra counts as an opposite team for Hyderabad ;-)
No official confirmation on the website in terms of ICML players yet...I bet quite a lot of the good players will just be players from around the USA too. Probably they will play in CER for ICML too.. 2 years ago 3 New Yorkers played for ICML; last year their opening bowling of Akhil (from NY) and Usman Shuja (US team, from TX) reduced MCC to 125/9 in the finals before our last pair saved us (and then Shahid and Mehul won the game with their opening spells)... this year sadly neither Shahid nor Mehul are available for CER (nor are the two last-wicket-partnership heroes, Kamran and Laxmi).. I might be one of the few people hoping ICML doesnt bring *that* good players from around the US to play Night Cricket (or CER) I guess :-)
C8W: I am surprised by your "hope" that an opponent team does not bring good player - this is frankly shameful, considering the amount of talent we have in MWCC.
What if the other teams have better players than that the ones you have named (Akil or Usma) in the blog above or whoever?
Are we setting the ground to accept defeat and prepare excuses even before the first ball is bowled in the CER? That too after such a big show of probables, selection and trials - this I am sure hurts the pride of every MWCCian.
It amuses me that you don't want them in the night tournament too, this is outright cowardice. Instead of learning from the experience you want to surrender to the situation...ha ha ha
Instead of doing that select well, prepare well, play well and think whatznext dude?
Whatznext said...
It amuses me that you don't want them in the night tournament too, this is outright cowardice. Instead of learning from the experience you want to surrender to the situation...ha ha ha
Instead of doing that select well, prepare well, play well and think whatznext dude?
To be clear, I have no problem with them playing in the Night Tournament - in fact Id like to come and watch. But Id rather not see them play the CER, personally :-) Doesnt mean anyone will surrender - our players are fighters and will compete with anyone. But as a supporter from outside, Iam allowed to hope for not overly strong opposition, surely? (Especially if its guys from outside our region in a regional tournament :-)
As for selecting well...we'll do the best that we can. And the players will always do their best, obviously.
Whatznext said...
Rains play havoc, many teams spirits weakened over the damp weekend! Scores "all out for no loss". Personally for many of us "no outs just all loss".
Fairly painful it was, too. Another 2 washouts at WP today - it hadnt rained since yesterday, but it started pouring a couple miles after I hit the highway on the way to WP this morning. Came down very hard, too... and also came down very hard again at about 10:30am.
Hopefully WP will get a lot of sunshine the next couple of weeks - we're off July4th weekend anyway. The ground seems a bit saturated with the amount its rained in the last couple of weeks, hopefully it will get a little break from the weather the next couple weeks so it can recover a little..
Were there any games completed this weekend at all? I heard they were actually getting 30/30 games in at Evanston, which is pretty remarkable given the amount of rain on the northside on Friday night..
C8W: The selectors, management, officials and players prepare for games with a positive attitude and confidence. Even remotely thinking (in any capacity) that I wish the "opponents are not overly strong" is surely cowardice.
U did not answer my question, what if some of the other opponents (not ICML) have players who are better that Akhil and/or Usma, whoever they are.
What stopped you from selecting players who will match up to the standards.
Your statement will bring down the morale and confidence of the entire team "you all have very carefully selected" and such statements reflect severe lack of confidence in the team, to say the least.
Please do not kill the confidence of the team typing such statements with your blessed "finger of death"
Whatznext dude?
Probably in the only game that happened in div 1, rovers bt milwaulkee by 6 wkts. Mcc scored 132 all out in 36 overs. We chased it in 29 overs.
I think we are the opposite of eagles. Raingods have been kind to us with no washouts so far. Sorry preetam :)
Sorry..we won by 4 wkts..we lost 6 wkts is what I intended to say :)
You are chairman of selectors and you discuss like this in a common forum certainly demoralises the whole MWCC.
You should know better than this.
Also, when the official team is not yet published, is it fair to discuss in public forum who is available and not available..
Won't it give information to Other Teams..
Mr. Finger of Death, Please.... MWCC XI can beat anyteam in any day.. We are the one of the largest league in the country.. Please don't talk rubbish like this..
If you have a personal opinion and want to write about this..Please do that when you don't hold an office in MWCC. Nobody is going to be bothered about it.
As a person holding an important position in the MWCC you should know what to talk in public and what not to...
Shekhs.. Can you please take some actions on this.. We all certainly feel let down by our own chairman of selecton.
Phew:)) I can also write longer.......
Whatznext Dude.....
whatznext -- bottom line is - this guy (c8w) have no clue about cricket. he shouldn't talk about cricket - give him newspaper and let him read in the bathroom! that's what he is good at.
Very disgusting that attitude he has shown on this blog. grow up
c8w -
shekhs - he needs to be sacked right away - what a loser he is. please send c8w to ICML. He seems to be really impressed with them.
c8w - do you know what Bakhsi did with Usman Shuja in one of our leauge game. What kind of accomplishment ICML has in last two CERs, got beaten comprehensively by MWCC team. Not with attitude you're showing. I'm pretty confident MWCC team will do great but we've to get rid of loser like you. You don't deserve to be part of this team.
We're the winner and we will win this year CER too but it will be our team, not your attitude!
Blogger ---- keep blogging.
I think if you are filing an official complaint to the admin, you gotta do it with your real name and identity...Just my opinion!
I doubt if they will heed to anonymous complaints on the blog.
I watched Usman bowl against Pak Gym as we had our match against United in th enext ground on the same day... He did seem very pacy, faster than any bowler in our league...But Pak Gym did well against him so that does show our league has pretty decent level as compared to other leagues. Infact if you look at the figures of that game, Moin and Nasir of Flames have better bowling figures than Usman. So bottomline is, we have some solid talent in this league and I am sure sadiq and other selectors will come up with a competitive team this year as well.
Moaz said...
I think if you are filing an official complaint to the admin, you gotta do it with your real name and identity...Just my opinion!
I doubt if they will heed to anonymous complaints on the blog.
Here the chairman of selectors went on the blog, discussed about the team composition and demoralises the whole team talking trash
And, if you say the management will wait for an official complaint to take action for this.. All I can think of that was there is no real leadership and no spine in this management..
But, I don't think and so and I have lot of faith in Shekhs and he will take leadership and take some action on this guy..
Wait and see.. The whole league waiting to see what action the management takes...
Dont forget, the management was supposed to announce the CER Team many days in advance (SOMETHING PROMISED TO BE DIFF FROM LAST YEAR) but we are only few days away from Tournament and the team is still not announced.
All the promises about trials, making better team, better process, democracy have fallen apart. Perhaps it will be
"Too many crooks spoil the broth"
Let's see if the management will take any action THIS TIME or will Mr President say " Sorry, this wont happen again" and move on.
@Billoger: Buddy, the management has already placed a pre-cursor by accepting defeat in the CER Tournament (while the reality is if the right set of players are selected v will b the best - have no doubts).
The best guess we all can make on a lighter vien is:
a. They used this blog to prepare us to be ready for defeat.
b. They are unable to announce the team because they are still not simply able to finalize, they are still looking for a corner in a circle.
c. Few of the players who they wanted desperately to play for them, may have said to them "Thanks but no thanks, whatznext"
d. Few simply maybe not be interested to be part of this melodramatic comedy
ha ha ha...these guys may win battles but never the war.
Shakes & Bakes...whatznext dude?
FingerOfDeath said...
Preetam N said...
" Guest_rule said...
BTW he can teach us how to use the stump to run down opposition if we don't know yet.:)- "
Ha Ha Ha...Guest_rule i know exactly what you are saying. BTW it was not Arjun it was Rajesh. And i am really happy that the guys affected during that incident are both doing fine at the national level.
And it was not really the opposite team.
Hmm. I think maybe we're talking different incidents, Preetam?
I recall one where it *was* Arjun, not Rajesh. And the player in the incident hasnt played international cricket (IPL doesnt count as international cricket still, thank god :-) And it *was* the opposite team... as far as Andhra counts as an opposite team for Hyderabad ;-)
C8W, I think you keep forgetting that i am from Hyderabad. And as far as HCA is concerned i am an inside man. And obviously any inside man will have more and juicy information. So please...
Also i said at the 'national' level because i considered IPL a national tournament.
Preetam: C8W sir is in a trip, may be the Soccer Worldcup elimination by top teams is impacting him, so he has prepared a post defeat speech which he has read out.
On the matter regarding Arjun, i assume the incident we are referring to is the dispute between Rayadu and Arjun during the prize distribution. Arjun was upset by Rayadu's comments after winning the game. I wud love 2 be informed the right incident.
Till then let me think whatznext dude?
Will be interesting to see if the CER selection committe will select the players who did not show up for trials.
Ganesh from Trailblazers I believe u never played any kind of cricket.......Honestly surprised to see Alpesh (MWCC G.S) was part of Ganesh's antics....
Trailblazer started fielding with 11 players in ground. In 22 nd over some 12th person comes and joins fielder.
Now when Trailbazer started batting, same 12 the man comes for batting at 1 down and Ganesh fighting for it.........And OUR ALPESH silent on it.
Issue is.......
1.Can anyplayer be replaced from starting line up in 22 nd over.
2.If answer is yes then what over this player should come to play in..
3.Can batsman instruct leg umpire not to give out openly........
4. What stand our GS should have taken( favoring his team or impartial decesion)
Ganesh one more time I wish I would have been in ground........
June 28, 2010 10:43 AM
Wow..from the above posts, it seems like our league's standard is sliding back to how things were TEN years ago..
It happened in presence of GS.Guys comes in 22 over and replaces fielder in 22 nd over and comes to play 1 down..........
And all this happens in front of ALPESH.......TRAILBALZER is the team and Ganesh is captain and Alpesh plays for team.
Next time we will do same thing bring some player from Div 1 in 25 over and field for 5 over and make him bat at 1 down and let him go......
I will for sure tell you the rulings now. Guys it is my fault and I promise that it will not happen again. Anyway, you need to submit your report to the disciplinary committee to file it properly. They do not take any actions from the blog except praise their team work.
Sure the league is going back to the dark ages now where PM started. They need to step up and do the actual work to show their commitment.
It seems like you were supporting very much to this mgt and now all of the sudden you are bashing on their beloved worker c&w. May be they need sometime to get their thoughts together.
I think somebody hacked into WhatxNext's ID and started to bash management.
I think c&w is in panic mode since the best players Asif, Shahid, Raheel, sohail, Asher etc have not participated in the trial. He must be wondering that who should I put in CER team who can beat ICML? That would be interesting.
Agam Sir,
You have the rights to question.
I believe that Umpire is a supreme authority in a match. The captain (Ganesh) did not tell me that we are fielding a 12th man, he told this to the umpire. I only saw very late during our fielding that the player was replaced. I believe Ganesh informed the umpire of this.
Then later when the guy came to bat during TrialBlazers batting, I was the scorer. And Bunty (Advancers Captain) opposed the batsman coming in to bat and the batsman was called back. At that Ganesh called Shekhs and Rules committee and asked for clarification. And I believe that the rules section on our website does not have any time limitation on the player coming to play, once he is in the playing 11 given to the umpire. The Umpire talked to Shekhs and he was satisfied with the clarification.
I agree that the rule is controversial, but the rule has been like this for years. I remember that when we-then NoStars were playing against MDS at W. Park# 2 in 2006 in a Div 2 match, I was in the playing 11. But due to work committments, I reached on the ground when 15 overs were done in the first innings (MDS batting innings). At that time, the opposition captain/player (Syed Khadry - former MDS and Advancers) talked to the umpire Ehsan-Ur-Rahman if I remember correctly, and I was only allowed to bowl only after 30 overs, as I had to field on the ground for the # of overs I missed. In the lunch break, Our captain was asking me to pad up to go at 1-down. To this, I myself asked him to check with umpire, as I had seen in International matches, such a player who has missed most of the fielding innings can only bat after 5 wickets have fallen. The Umpire said that in MCC, you can bat at any position and to which the opposition also agreed.
Agam Sir, coming back to this match, there were certain things that both the captains and the umpire agreed to and I only came to know about that later. Those things I have never seen in a proper cricket match. None of the captains or Umpire came to me asking for the permission on any of those things. As I said earlier, I believe that Umpire is the supreme authority in a match and he took care of the things as per the rules.
It there are still questions, please feel free to call me in the evening and I will be happy to talk to you.
Kind Regards,
Not sure how official it is but one can check here about substitues (good reading at least):,28,AR.html
FingerOfDeath said
Moe was at the ground on Friday, after the Thursday tornados/storms e - and found Arena/RP ground bad enough that it would be unplayable.
Was meow meow just there to see the ground or made himself useful to fix the grounds as well? He should have brought with him the sum-pump to drain water so that fields can be ready for weekend games. I suppose from now on we blame everything on mother-nature or TA. Guys you need to do more than just showing up on the ground to see and make decisions.
Were the players names given to the umpire in writing from both teams before start of the game like we used to get a green card last year. If not, you can blame TA on that too.
And before I forget, both the teams TrailBlazers and Advancers put in a great effort to get the ground ready by working on it for about 2 hours along with the VP-Moe. Kudos to all of them for this effort, else both the 30-30 games would have got rained out on Saturday.
Hey guys I am not blasting anyone.I am was little frustrated.Alpesh I am not against you or anyone....
I m playing in league for good years even I flew from Virginia n drove from Detroit every week to play in MWCC.........ppl who played with me they know......Advancers never fought with anyone an time.....but this time little frustrated with kind of rules followed in last match.
Can we do same kind of thing in Ranji Trophy, Deleep Trophy,Sheeshmahal Cricket, Buchi Babu Trophy......
Moreover u guys know we fixed ground and even u guys helped and corporative but way Ganesh was behaving it was not at all expected .....he lost all respect......
Hello chief of selectors,
Can you guys please explain how this team was picked and what rationale was used? Also can you guys vouch that all 14 attended atleast 1 trial? I think I know atleast 2 who didn't attend a single trtial and still got selected?
When you explain please also explain this..I see ravi patel is the leading wicket taker in div 1. Why was he not picked? He is an allrounder and he has more runs than some batsman u have picked.he is young and maybe that worked against him.
If selectors aim was to just pick a team based on reputation and not performance or form, TA's method of selection was better. It atleast would have saved people time.
Milwaukee guys didn't show up for single trials. Raheel is injured, if I'm not wrong he didn't come for trials either. Two guys from Peoria !!!! No one from Jolly Rovers :) Madhu, what's going on?
Shekhs, c8w, Mehul -- come on and explain this? why players got selected who didn't show up for trials. Players who showed up been dropped.
This must be a joke now. They wanted to have rules and regulations to follow and yet showed their true colors.
can anyone compare the stats of Romesh, Faisal, Bhavesh, Shahid Hussain, sachin and afroze to some other guys who are in top 15? This is absurd.
who do you guys want to see on the team? put up your xi.
I have nothing against Romesh.but he has 138 runs this season and a career average of 25. Why was he picked over someone like Ravi Patel?
Ravi has more runs this season than Romesh and is the leading wickettaker in Div. The selectors need to explain such weird selections.
Dinesh from Rovers here.. I have to admit that I am a little disappointed by the selection committee's team. I am not disappointed that I didnt make it as I knew I only had an outside chance, but I was surprised about Ravis exclusion. And really surprised that he didnt even make it to the reserves squad even.
First, he is a match winner. When he scored 85(42) against Muslim Gymkhana, the game was over in the 14th over. Against Milwaulkee yesterday he took 4 wickets which bundled them out for 132. He is also the top wicket taker in Div 1 with 17 wickets in 6 games. I thought we need to pick match winners who can singlehandedly change the game for us.
He is 26 and he is an US national. He is an amazing fielder too. Why cant we pick such guys in the mid 20s and give them a chance to improve so that they can go on and maybe someday represent US??
I dont know Ravi patel but just looking at scorecard so far this season he has scored in only one inning against Muslim and that too was after I believe a lot of catches were dropped.
Has he performed against any good bowling sides without many dropped catches?
I do some issues with selection, but I wont have included in even in the Midwest B team. Sorry Pal, he should prove himself against good teams before getting selected.
I would like to take my hat off ^^for Ravi Patel, but not yet :)
how asif got selected without showing up in trials. what about Raheel. Najmi score heavily, look at stats Sadiq Baba. You're a stat guy. Biggest chucket of the league is our vice captain.
Dinesh suits for 50 over games. Ravi is not there yet. Sohail Alvi is much better choice than Faisal Baig.
@SITIP & Billoger: Friends, nobody has hacked my account, atleast that is what i believe :)
How cares who leads the mgmt. TA or SA. V pay V play :)
However, when we see some weak knee reactions, then ofcourse you react.
At the same time, when they do good, give them their due credit. I am sure they are all smart enough to know that "a kick on the ass is not far from the pat on the back"
I follow my conscious and say what i say when i feel, most of the time I hopefully get it right.
Nice to see the team list out.
Whatznext dude?
You missed the point Gan_due. I said Ravi is the leading wicket taker. dint say he shud be in as a batsman. i also said he has more runs than the batsman selected :Romesh". combining his bowling and batting, ravi shud be in as an all rounder...
I think the team list went out today in hurry to avoid embrassment and to save c8w from all attacking..
Divert the attention.. Shekhs.. The Chairman of Selectors let down MWCC in his comments and we are still waiting to hear your views on the same...
Can somebody explain what is not available for selection.. Did they informed they are not available or they had been put up and not available because they didn't turn up to the Trials.
Any Justification why Sohail Alvi is not included in the Team.. Obviously he is a better choice than faisal and could have helped the team with his experience also....
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